Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Although Mac has always been the “talker” in the family, Copeland has quite a few recent phrases that Mac never said at 2:

I had it first.

Its not fair.

You started it.

As the little younger brother, Copeland has quickly learned how to fight back and tattle tell.  He often uses the phrases at completely irrelevant points of an argument with his brother.  for example if he sees a toy across the room that he wants and no one else is near, he will run toward it yelling “I had it first” despite the fact that no one else is tryign to get it!  On the other hand if Mac has a toy that Coe wants he will often say “you started it” while trying to take the toy from Mac.  It is amusing for me, Albi, and Katie and infuriating to his big older brother. 

Coe in many ways is also a much older two than Mac ever was.  Mac didn’t know words like “cool”, “shoot”, or “stupid” when he was two, and he only learned who the Power Rangers were about 6 months ago.  Coe on the other hand is often heard saying things like:

Open this it's cool.

Go Go Power Rangers.

Look mommy I'm shooting it.

This car is stupid.  (He was quickly told that we don’t say stupid in our house.)

It makes me a little sad to see how quickly Copeland is growing up and how the baby stage is fading behind us.  We are moving on to big boy toys, big boy words and big boy attitudes.  Despite the growing up, Coe still idolizes his brother.  I hope the close bond they share remains as they continue to grow up.  I love these two boys more than anything in the whole wide world and I think they feel the same about each other…at least most of the time! 

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1 comment:

  1. The exact same thing happened to zayd when he started hanging around his 7 year old cousin! I am not a fan of the word stupid or butt, both of which he learned from him, but I guess it happens...
