Tuesday, February 2, 2016


Better late than never!  We spent Thanksgiving in Birmingham with all the Gilmers.  Vicki and Aunt Abbie fixed a delicious feast, and I’m embarassed to admit I did very little to help other than wash some dishes afterwards.  I did put together the sweet potatoe casserole (my favorite), but that was only after Vicki had bought all the ingredients, pulled the recipe and cooked the sweet potatoes.  Basically I dumped a few things in a bowl and covered it with the yummy topping.  Guess that was better than nothing at all, but I vow to be better next year! 

It was unseasonably warm for Thanksgiving {the clothes we have on in the pictures are only becuase that is all we packed.  We could have easily all been in short sleeves and shorts!} which the kids loved.  They spent a lot of time playing a family game of football and just being outside any chance they could get. 

Coe has always loved Mad and Mal’s dog Willow, but after this trip I seriously considered getting him a dog.  He was begging nonstop but once he found out he would have to pick up the dog poop from our yard he agreed that a stuffed dog was just fine! 

I met Forrest while in Birmingham and we took Gray down to Tuscaloosa to see Nana, Granddaddy and some of our cousins who were in town.  It was a quick trip, but so wonderful to see everyone {and have a quick glass of wine with the cousins!}

The boys played lots of games, indoor and out, with Mad and Mal and really enjoyed cheering Alabama on to a victory in the Iron Bowl.  Another great Gilmer Thanksgiving is in the books!
