Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Holiday Baking

The last holiday post…I think.  I may have two boys, but they love to bake.  Especially when they get to do some taste testing along the way.  This December they had plenty of opportunities to put their culinary skills to use.  I’m pretty sure they ate more than they gave away, but they had fun in the process! 

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Monday, January 19, 2015

Christmas at Yaya’s

Since Forrest and I were bother in Birmingham for Christmas day we celebrated with Yaya and Costie the weekend after Christmas. We had another great night of eating too much and opening even more presents.  Its hard to believe that there was anything else the boys could want or need, but Yaya managed to find the perfect gifts for each one of the grands – Cornhole for Mac, new tent and bk puppy for Coe’s room, and a kitchen for Fin to keep at Yaya’s house.  Needless to say the kids played all night long!  The boys believe that Christmas is a month long celebrations and for them it truly is! 

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Christmas Sports

As ugly as the weather was on the 23rd and 24th, it was beautiful on Christmas day.  The boys spent several hours throwing the football {Mac wore his new Colts uniform all day}, kicking the soccer ball {Coe got his own cleats, shin guards and soccer ball from G and Deeda.  He was ecstatic to finally have his own “sports” gear}, and hitting baseballs {Santa brought the boys a pitching machine and Mac got a new bat from G and Deeda}.  Uncle Shaw was the one who wanted to get the pitching machine out, and it wasn’t long before the adults were having as much if not more fun than the kids!

If everyday could be Christmas day…

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Thursday, January 15, 2015

He came! {Christmas Morning}

The best way to describe Mac on Christmas morning was as a tornado.  Coe on the other hand spent a lot time holding and examining one toy and one toy only – his Power Ranger sword!  Mac and I opened quite a few of Coe’s gifts for him because once he saw that Santa had brought him the sword he didn’t care about much else for several hours.  Mac on the other hand touched every toy Santa left him, every toy Santa left Coe and pretty much every present he could see in a matter of seconds – tornado boy!  IMG_3931 IMG_3935ps IMG_3936ps IMG_3938ps IMG_3949ps IMG_3952ps IMG_3955ps IMG_3959ps IMG_3965ps IMG_3980ps IMG_3944ps IMG_3947ps IMG_3956ps IMG_3970ps IMG_3976ps

After looking at all the Santa toys in the basement and playing with them for a while, we finally moved upstairs to open all the family gifts we got for each other {note that Coe brought his sword with him and wouldn’t put it down.  Hence the reason Mac and I opened the majority of Coe's presents for him!}  I made Mac change back into his Christmas pjs, but as soon as we finished opening gifts he was back into his football uniform and often had his new army shirt on top of it depending on what he was pretending at the moment {the tornado description remained accurate for him all day}.  

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We have so much to be thankful for.  I try to remind the boys of this whenever I get the opportunity.  There are so many people who were unable and have never gotten to celebrate the Christmas that we had this year and really every year.  Thank you God for giving us Jesus and so many other blessings that we have the opportunity to celebrate not just on December 25, but everyday of the year!

{I still have several more Christmas blog posts…we truly celebrated all month long!}