Friday, July 26, 2013

Trading one imaginary friend for another

Mac has always had imaginary playmates.  Beginning around 18months he saw imaginary animals everywhere.  Generally they were pumas, but he also saw leopards, bengal tigers, and other wild animals in our house or out the window of the car.  He never saw normal animals like dogs or cats or even a bear or elephant.  It was always exotic.

Around 2.5yrs old, Mac introduced us to John and Ran – his imaginary friends.  In the past 3-6 months there has been less and less talk of John and Ran.  He rarely brings them up, but heaven forbid you ask if they are still around. He looks at you like you are asking if Coe is still around and quickly tells you, “yes!”  I therefore quit asking about them.  Its easier that way. 

About three months ago Copeland started telling me about the man in the light. I have a floor lamp in between his bed and the rocking chair that is on a dimmer.  I use it as his nightlight.  At night I turn the light way down, and we rock and sing songs.  Coe looks under the lamp shade to see “that man” and asks if I can see him too.  Trust me I have looked and looked to try to figure out what he is looking at that even closely resembles a person.  I can’t see anything!  About two weeks ago I asked if the man had a name.  He quickly said, “Yes, Jane.”  Jane?  “Yes mommy, Jane.”  He prays for Jane almost every night when we say prayers.  He always starts with Mac, followed by himself.  Then Finnie, mommy and daddy.  Before “Jane” had a name, mommy and daddy would be followed by various family members, his paci and B, and often the books on his nightstand.  Now we are followed by Jane.  Jane is as high on Coe’s prayer list as his grandparents. 

Just when I thought I was getting rid of John and Ran, along comes Jane.  Embrace what you cannot change, so welcome to the family, Jane!  

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Dinners out

We have recently started taking the boys out to eat a little more often.  Anyone with kids knows there is a window right after a baby is born where going out to eat with them is easy.  Then you hit the “Sit in your chair.  Stop throwing food.  Please talk quieter.” stage and after about 2 of those experience you vow to never take your kids to a restaurant again.  I won’t say my kids are perfect when we go out – they are still boys! – but they are definitely more manageable.  That being said a few times while out with family and friends I was able to snap a few pictures.   PTMIMG_9236  IMG_9000 IMG_9006

Yes, we often choose restaurants where outside eating is an option.  Loud requests for “more ketchup,” “I have to go potty,” or the worst “I have a stinky in my diaper” don’t echo around the room if you eat outside! 

Sometimes even the mommies get a picture!IMG_4215

Playing with Finnie

In the past few weeks the boys and I have gotten to babysit Finley twice.  Needless to say after seeing the pictures below, the boys LOVE their cousin.  She is pretty mesmerized by them as well.  Her head is on a swivel the whole time they are around.  It is only a matter of time before she is chasing after them as opposed to just watching them.   IMG_0101 IMG_0103 IMG_0107 IMG_0109 IMG_0115 

Little girls can get dirty and play with “boy toys” too!

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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Our Princess turns 1

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge aren’t the only ones who have a royal baby to celebrate.  As far as we are concerned Princess Finley’s birthday was a royal affair as well.IMG_0124

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Fin Fin thought the cake and the candle were really cool until she reached to grab the flame and the crowd gasped (and yelled).  She quickly burst into tears and did not quickly recover.  I’m sure the fact that it was already past her bedtime had nothing to do with the mini meltdown.

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Finley recovered enough to sit with her cousins for a few quick photos. 



Happy Birthday sweet Fin Fin!

a Royal Baby

For posterity’s sake I must do a simple post to say Congratulations to Will and Kate. 

Royal baby

Yes, I’m obsessed with all things Royal.  I’ll admit it.  A prince was born to a true princess.  What’s not to love?  

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Lake Trip {final post}

I’ve mentioned the rain, the boat rides, the tubing, but I haven’t yet mentioned the boys most very favorite thing at the lake – the WATER BALLOON LAUNCHER!  Mac and Coe spent hours throwing, launching and gathering water balloons.  Everyone participated in the water balloon activities at some point or another with some of the attacks being a little more aggressive and personal than others!  Usually the “targets” sat in the water and gathered the balloons that didn’t break.  Then they forged an assault of their own.  Thanks Uncle Shaw for building this awesome launcher.   

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As much as Coe loved the water balloon launcher, he also really loved watermelon time.  Everyone else did too! IMG_9936 IMG_9937 IMG_9939 IMG_9942IMG_9941  IMG_9943

Love these 4 and can’t wait for next year’s trip to the lake!


Saturday, July 13, 2013

Lake Trip {part 2}

The pictures below are from day 2 and 3.  The weather was much better on day 3.  We actually had to put on sunscreen for the first time.  The lake was a little chilly freezing because of all the rain, but it didn’t faze the boys.  Once Copeland realized he could float with his life jacket, he loved swimming in the lake.  We spent a lot of time tubing and riding the boat on day 3.  We watched Uncle Shaw do his best to throw Madeline and Mallory off some flat tube, and the boys were amazed to see Aunt Heather water ski.  I wonder how long it will take for them to realize I’m the least athletic of the Gilmer group?!?!  I reminded Shaw of that several times before it was my turn to ride anything behind the boat.  Albi assured me that Shaw already knew!  

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Although Coe was a little hesitant at first, he ended up loving the tube ride especially when Uncle Shaw gently slung the tube outside of the wake!  Albi and I both took turns riding the tube with the boys.  Had the weather been nicer, I think we would have gotten them on a lot more rides behind the boat.  They were both pretty fearless.  I can’t wait to see what all ride next year!

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