Tuesday, May 24, 2016

He’s 5!

I’m a little out of order here because the friday before the FUMC Easter Egg hunt was Coe’s 5th birthday.  I can’t beleive my baby is 5.  He {not so patiently} counted down the months, weeks and days until this birthday {we started the countdown the day after Christmas when he asked how many more days until he got presents again!}.  My picture editing is all out of whack but the important thing is I catured the day.  Some of the family came over for dinner and all the presents were opened and immediatley played with.  To say this little guy was excited to be 5 would be an understatement! 


Monday, May 23, 2016

FUMC Easter Egg Hunt

The church Easter egg hunt fell on the same day as Coe’s birthday party, so it was a busy day.  Thanksfully after lots of rain on Friday and Saturday, Sunday was beautiful!  No one knew at the time, but Easter weekend turned out to be miserably wet in Pensacola so in hindsight everyone was grateful to get this hunt in on a pretty spring day! 


Saturday, May 21, 2016

First Beach day of 2016

Early in March we had a warm and beautiful weekend day, so Albi and I packed up the kids and the car and headed to the beach.  Other than the college Spring Breakers in their skimpy suits and adult beverages {and language} it was a perfect beach day.  The kids had a blast running and playing without breaking a sweat.  They even ventured in the still very cold water!  Albi and I relaxed, read books, listened to music and marveled in the fact that we could sit and watch {instead of chase} our kids.  This age is great!


Friday, May 20, 2016

Game Night

Before baseball season slammed us in the face, we spent many nights playing family games.  the weather was still cold {at least for us Florida peeps} and it got dark early, so most nights the boys couldn’t play outside by the time Albi and I got home from work.  Instead of watchign tv and fighting over electronics, we played lots of games.  I can’t wait to get back to that once summer is here and homework and early bedtimes aren’t an issue.  Only 1 more week! 


Thursday, May 19, 2016

Misc Feb pics

1. snuggle time                  2. “I look like Yaya!”

3. Fun at the playground              4. Fun in the backyard

5. Finally holding Gray                  6. Crazy friends

7. Pretty eyes         8.-10. Fairytale character dress up day

11.-13. Valentines              14. Ready for church





