Monday, April 8, 2013

Easter Sunday

The Easter bunny came!  Mac woke up early last Sunday morning and as usual headed straight for mommy and daddy’s room.  I heard his little footsteps coming and expected to hear a pause and then lots of excitement when he saw his Easter basket.  Instead the footsteps continued.  When he got to my room, I asked whether the Easter bunny had come and he promptly ran out of the room to check.  He had not only forgotten it was Easter but had walked right past his basket and Coe’s without even noticing…typical boy! IMG_3476 

After looking through his basket, we went to get Copey out of his bed.  Coe was very excited to find his eggs were filled with candy!  He started eating right away.  Mac didn’t care a whole lot for the “junk food” and only wanted to play Cars for the Wii.   IMG_7736IMG_7749



Mac was also very very very happy to find the Easter bunny brought him some caterpillars and a butterfly garden.  *It has been a week since Easter and Mac has watched those caterpillars non-stop.  He keeps them by his bed and we get a report every day as to how they are doing.  They have grown a ton in the past week and now they have all crawled to the top of the jar and are forming their chrysalis.  We should have butterflies in about a week and a half.    IMG_7731 IMG_7742 IMG_7744 

We were able to snap a few very quick pictures before heading to church! IMG_7753easter 

One of my favorite pictures of these three!


Couldn’t find daddy for the picture and Copeland wouldn’t smile, but better than nothing. 


There is no sunday school at our church on Easter sunday, but there is nursery care, so Copeland went to his class as usual, but Mac got to come to big church with us.  Apparently while walking up the steps to the church, Mac looked at G and Deeda and said, “I hate this place.  You have to be quiet and sit still.”  Thankfully we didn’t get struck by lightening during the service.  I’ll have to let his sunday school teacher know that he much prefers class to big church! 

We were able to take a few pictures after church before we headed to Yaya’s for an impromptu lunch.  Our original Easter lunch plans with Papou and Gigi were messed up due to a miscommunication, but we all made alternate plans to celebrate our Lord and Savior on a beautiful spring day!


IMG_7777 Yaya had a few Easter surprises for the boys, which included sunglasses and an Easter egg hunt.  Coste hid all the eggs and the boys loved going on the hunt.  Deeda and daddy snuck off for a much deserved round of golf! 


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Happy Easter! 

*I have to brag on Mac a little.  I was worried that with all the talk of the Easter bunny and egg hunts, he didn’t really understand why we were celebrating Easter.  A few days before Easter I asked him if he knew why we celebrated Easter and my fears were confirmed when he said, “because that is when the Easter bunny comes and brings presents.”  I quickly corrected him and told him the real reason of Easter was to celebrate Jesus getting off the cross and coming back to life after dying for all the bad things we do.  Mac listened but didn’t ask any questions.  On the way to the PCC Easter egg hunt, I took a chance by asking him again if he knew why we celebrated Easter.  This time he said something along the lines of, “Beacuse Jesus went on a cross and died for all of us but then he came back to life so we can all live on Earth and be happy until its time to go to heaven.”  I’d say that is pretty good understanding for an almost 5yr old!

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