Monday, April 22, 2013

Gun goddesses

Two years ago for Christmas, Charles gave mom, Forrest and I all a gift certificate for a gun safety class.  Of course we procrastinated and never went. This past Christmas Charles started on the guilt trip about how he paid for us to all take the class and we never bothered to go.  Reluctantly we all agreed to go despite the fact that neither Forrest nor I own a gun or plan on getting one for our houses.  Charles on the other hand owns several different type guns that are all securely placed, and rightfully so he thought mom should at least know how to use them and be safe around them. 

The first Saturday that mom, Forrest and I were all available and the class was being offered was not until April.  Of course the weather was absolutely beautiful that morning and I was even more annoyed that I had to spend the whole day (8:30-4:30!) at a gun class and away from the boys.  Turned out the day wasn’t a complete waste. 

I can’t say that after the class I decided to buy a gun or even that I felt comfortable shooting a gun, but I definitely knew a lot more about gun safety and felt a lot more comfortable with the whole idea of a gun.  Albi and I still have no plans to buy a gun, but I’m glad I had the opportunity to learn about them and shoot a few.  I want charles to teach Mac and Coe about guns when they are at the appropriate age.  I strongly agree that a young child’s curiosity with guns can be a very dangerous thing.  I want Charles to squelch that curiosity and teach them appropriate gun safety so heaven forbid they ever come across a gun, they know what to do. 

Have to admit that I enjoyed spending the day with my mom and sister too!  too ka few pictures to prove that we really did survive the class!  IMG_3550 IMG_3551 IMG_3552 IMG_3554

Came in as the 3 stooges.  Left as Charlie’s Angels!IMG_3556

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