Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Mac is the king of excuses lately.  When he gets in trouble the excuses start.  they come out very fast, very dramatic and are usually one very long run on sentence. Here are a few that were especially memorable:

1) The reason I was acting ugly is because you haven’t let me see baby Finley in two weeks and I just love her so much and when you don’t let me see her I get sad and act ugly.

2) The reason I was not listening to you is because I have never been fishing before and I really want to go fishing a catch a fish on that hook so I’m going to go tomorrow with Uncle Shaw, Aunt Heather, Madeline and the Mallory.  Its going to be a really long journey but I need to go fishing.

This one is not technically an excuse but an explanation in advance of why he may not listen to what I have to say: 

3)  Daddy is the boss of you and you have to listen to daddy because he is taller than you.  You guys argue when I go to timeout and you say I don’t have to go but it never works out.  Daddy is in charge. 

1 comment:

  1. I laughed out loud for #3. And plan to share this with my sister. They need a few laughs these days:)
