Monday, February 4, 2013

Mommy’s Coe

Coe is so wild in the bathtub that we generally bathe he and Mac separately. One night I tried to capture Coe’s long eyelashes with water droplets on them like I see every night, but taking pictures with my good camera while water was flying everywhere didn’t last long. I got a few shots that didn’t quite turn out the way I wanted, but they were better than nothing at all.

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Almost every night after I get Coe out of the bath and wrap him in a towel we both look in the mirror and say hi to our reflections before we walk into his bedroom. We have done this for as long as I can remember, and if I forget Copeland quickly reminds me that he wants to see, “Mommy-Coe”. I love this picture of Mommy-Coe!


How can you not smile while playing peek-a-boo with this little guy? I feel like I say this all the time now, but I really wish I could freeze time. I love watching my boys grow up but at the same time I don’t want to loose the innocence, the joy, the sweetness and the attachment Copeland has for me. I may sometimes complain that he won’t let me out of his sight or that he hangs on to me like a baby koala, but secretly I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love being a part of Mommy-Coe!

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