Sunday, February 3, 2013

January iPhone photos

I often have pictures that either I take with my iPhone or that others send me from their phone.  The quality usually isn’t great but still the pictures remind me of those little moments that someone happened to freeze in time by taking a photo.  This year my goal is to do a monthly (or maybe bi-monthly) blog post of those iphone photo worthy moments! 

Mac went to Jack’s P’s for a play date, and Frances was insistent that Coe Coe come over and play with her, so while I ran to the grocery Copeland stayed and played with “princess Frances”   IMG_2667 

Mac was very excited to show off his team spirit at school after Alabama won their 15th National Championship.  IMG_2673 

Yaya bought the boys a national championship football which we they have been throwing around the yard for weeks. 


Jack P spent the night so I let all three boys eat breakfast while sitting on the bench.  This was nothing new for Mac and Jack, but Copeland who is normally confined to the high chair was over the moon that he was sitting with the big boys!


Albi and I went to a black tie event for Big Brothers Big Sisters.  It was fun to get all dressed up and enjoy a night out, but we were both ready to head home early and get in our pjs.  We are getting old :)


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