Saturday, September 8, 2012

Labor Day Weekend part 1

Weekends are always good, but three day weekends are the best!  I’m a week behind on blogging, but we had so much fun just hanging out last weekend that I didn’t have time to write a blog.  Albi was excited for the first Saturday of college football and the boys were excited to be outside after a rainy week from Hurricane Isaac.  I was thrilled to have an extra day off.

Saturday the boys and I went to the Country Club to swim with the Phillips family.  There were several other families at the pool as well and the boys had a great time playing with everyone.  Daddy met us when he finished golf and after lunch by the pool we headed home for nap/quiet time and some college football.

Albi and I went to a party Saturday night to watch the Alabama vs. Michigan kick off game while Yaya stayed with the boys.  Thankfully the game was never close and Alabama pulled off an impressive 41-14 win.

Although we had very good intentions of going to church on Sunday morning, it turned out to be a “work on the porch” kind of morning.  The cable people were scheduled to come on Sunday to pull cable wire, so Albi could finally have an outside tv.  He got out his tools to install the tv mount and Mac quickly joined in to help.  Mac told me that morning that his daddy was an expert of EVERYTHING.  Mac idolizes Albi!  I asked Mac if I was an expert of anything, and after thinking for a minute he said I was an expert at putting little kids to bed, saying prayers, and kissing.  I’ll take it :)  IMG_3399IMG_3403IMG_3405Most of the outside toys were still packed up in boxes from the storm so I started pulling everything out and putting it back on the shelves.  At one point I looked over and the boys were raking and mowing the trampoline.   IMG_3415 IMG_3417

I went to the office for a couple hours while Albi and the boys continued to work and play outside.  They went to Yaya’s in the late afternoon to meet Uncle Ed and take down all the storm shutters.  I met everyone at Oar House later that night for dinner.  I keep seeing little things that remind me Copeland is no longer a baby.  At dinner he was coloring away with his crayons instead of trying to eat them!IMG_1799Finley got a little fussy during dinner and Mac rushed over to help Aunt Forrest pat her back.   IMG_1804Monday morning I found all the boys outside watching tv!  We spent almost the entire day outside with the majority of the outside time being in our own backyard.  It was great.  The boys played with all their toys while Albi and I finished cleaning up the porch, and the whole time I was able to have The Today Show on in the background.  Everyone was happy.  IMG_3422IMG_3427I often hear Mac talking to himself.  He still has two imaginary friends (John and Ran) that have “lived with us” as my other “red headed Gilmer boys” for well over a year and he talks to them and bosses them around often.  He has a vivid imagination and often talks out loud to his animals, cars, etc.  On this day though I found him talking to the ants going in and out of the ant pile.  “Don’t worry little ants.  That is just my brother Copey.  He didn’t mean to destroy your home with his golf club.”    IMG_3431

When Mac wouldn’t let Copey through the front door, he found another way to get in as he climbed through a low window.   IMG_3434 IMG_3435The boys decided to “do a little work.”  It didn’t matter which electronic device Mac had.  Copeland wanted the one Mac had!  Mac did a good job of sharing with Copey and trading him to keep him happy. 

IMG_3438IMG_1814  IMG_1816IMG_1820 IMG_3447Coe working on his football skills. IMG_3452 IMG_3453IMG_3454

The porch is coming along.  We need new outside furniture but what we have will work for now. 

IMG_3437We got a new electric pump so blew up the pool and the boys cooled off as they pretended to be baby buffalos.   IMG_3484 IMG_1821 IMG_1827 IMG_3456 IMG_3457 IMG_3458  IMG_3461 IMG_3467 IMG_3471 IMG_3474 IMG_3480 IMG_3483 Playing outside all morning wore the boys out.  Copeland crashed to sleep by 11:30 and Yaya picked up Mac so he could go with her to get Costie who was flying in from South America.  Gig came by after nap time for some hugs before we headed to PCC for dinner with Aunt Forrest, Uncle Ed and Finley.

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