Sunday, July 8, 2012

Vacation (part 1 of 2)

After a long week at a trial out of town where I averaged 4 hours of sleep per night I got home last Thursday night exhausted and in much need of a break!  I begrudgingly went to work on Friday in an attempt to get through the pile of mail that had accumulated over 4 days of being gone and to review and sign the 800 letters my staff had generated for me.  I planned to leave at 3 to go home and pack but instead walked out at 6 satisfied that I had gotten through enough of the piles on my desk to leave for vacation and not walk back into the office for a week!

Thankfully mom was keeping the boys that day so she volunteered to bathe and feed them and then bring them home in time to go to bed.  I therefore rushed home from the office to pack us all up so we could leave early the next morning to head to Birmingham.

Goal Accomplished…We were in Birmingham by lunch time on Saturday.  We spent the afternoon swimming with G and Deeda in their pool and just playing at their house.  Deeda and Albi played golf in the scorching heat and G and I got last minute stuff ready for the trip to the lake. 


popsicle brain freeze IMG_1702 

(popsicle brain freeze!)

The boys slept great that night which is not always the case when they are not in their own beds.  We all woke up rested and ready to get back in the car to drive 2 more hours to the lake.  We arrived well before lunch, changed into swimsuits, covered everyone in sunscreen and began the “lake experience!”


I have a million pictures from the vacation and will try to just post some of my favorites but let me first say Mac was extremely brave and was willing to jump off the dock diving board, ride the jet skis, and get pulled behind the boat on the poparazzi, the lulu, the screamer and the tube.  I saw him do a full 360 in the air after flying off the lulu and my sister in law said sheer panic crossed my face.  Mac popped right up out of the water at least 20 feet away from where Albi fell with a huge smile on his face saying “Uncle Shaw let’s go again and this time go a little faster!”

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I think Copeland had as good of a time at the lake as the rest of us.  He loved wearing his floatie and swimming in the lake, but riding the boat appeared to be his all time favorite.  He would hang his head off the side like he was a dog and let the wind blow in his face.  On the last day he even got to go on a short ride on the jet ski!  (Don’t worry mom we didn’t go to fast and both Madeline and I were holding his life jacket tight!)IMG_2745 IMG_2753 IMG_2757 IMG_2773 IMG_2787 IMG_6226 IMG_2560 IMG_2562  IMG_2684 IMG_2691 IMG_2609IMG_2805

A few more pictures and stories to come but for now I better get back to work.  the downfall of being out of the office for a week is the massive amount of catch up work I now have to do!  This will be a late night working but a week off with the boys is well worth it.  Plus a late productive night tonight will make my Monday at the office much better…I hope!

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