Wednesday, September 25, 2013

the boys

A few funny and loving things the boys have said lately:

Coe: Mom, you know I love you so much!
Coe: Mommy, who loves you the most?  I do and you love me the most too!


Mac (in a super serious voice): I don't think I can invite Jay (his 7th grade chapel buddy) to my 6yr old birthday party

Me: Why? (While thinking to myself 1) it's 9mo from now and 2) Jay is 12 and probably doesn't want to come to your birthday party)

Mac: because you wouldn't believe it (dramatic pause), he cheers for Auburn!  But we said we both don't like GA so it's ok.


Last night I took Coe’s paci away.  I have been thinking about it for a while now and I keep talking to him about the “Paci Fairy” who is going to come and take his pacis and give them to all the new babies since he is now a big boy.  I have been met with resistance and have had to do lots of reassuring that the Paci Fairy is not going to give all his pacis to Finley and Aunt Forrest is not the Paci Fairy…no idea where he was getting these thoughts :)  Anyway, last night I couldn’t immediately find his paci (yes we have 800 stashed in various places around his room but none were in plain sight), so after he and I both looked in his bed and under his bed I told him maybe the Paci Fairy came and took them.  He asked me to look harder and whimpered for about 3 seconds.  Then he asked for his Bs and wanted me to cover him up and the pacis haven’t been mentioned since.  Today when Katie put him down for a nap, he didn’t even ask for a paci.  When she came ot get him up he said, “What are you doing?  Sight Words?”  Bye Bye paci.  Hello sight words!

On the sight words topic, Mac has learned another 35 sight words form the list his teacher sent home a week ago.  We are now moving onto the second list which includes another 50 words.  He is doing GREAT!  Although we did practice sight words over the summer, I can tell a huge difference in his ability to sound words out since he started school. I had his parent teacher conference today, but I’ll have to do a separate blog on that one.  I’m so over the top proud of him right now I can’t put it into words!

Here are a few pics of my favorite boys from a weekend or two ago…PSIMG_1375 PSIMG_1381

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