Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Come on Coe Coe

“Come on Coe Coe.”  Its a phrase I hear a million times when Frances is around.  She has called Coe, Coe Coe, since she first began talking.  Their friendship has evolved so much in 2.5 years.  For the longest time she wanted everything to do with him, and he wouldn’t give her the time of day.  Right now the love is mutual, but I’m sure eventually we will reach the stage where Coe is in love and she wants nothing to do with the blonde headed pest!

A few weeks ago Mac wanted Jack to come home with us after church.  Mr. Jeff was out of town and Mrs. Lacy needed to run a few quick errands so I suggested Frances come over too.  Since the play date was unplanned the Phillips kids didn’t have play clothes to change into after Sunday school.  We quickly made do and Frances became an AL fan for the day.  She and Coe Coe had a great date! 

IMG_0761 IMG_0762 IMG_0763 IMG_0765A week or two later, the Phillips and Gills (the Gillups) came over for dinner.  the Gill girls took charge of Frances and Coe and before we knew it they had bathed them, rocked them and gotten them both to sleep.  Lacy and Jeff had the debate every parent has when this situation comes up – do we risk waking her up to get her home and in her own bed.  I convinced them {it didn’t take much!} to leave Frances and promised to call if she woke up scared. 

Around 6am I heard on the monitor “Coe Coe, I’m in a big girl bed and you are in a baby bed!”  I rushed in the room {blurry eyed and still half asleep} to make sure Frances wasn’t scared or confused, but that little girl never missed a beat.  She quickly greeted me with a good morning and asked if she could get out of bed and read some books!  Lacy mentioned that she figured Frances’s first spend the night would be a little more planned and probably with someone of the same sex, but things never go as planned.  And let’s be honest, at some point Mr. Jeff is going to put a stop to Coe Coe sleeping in the same room as his baby girl so we have to sneak in the spend the nights while it is still socially acceptable.  I wonder who will end the sleepovers first – Frances, Coe or Mr. Jeff!  I have a feeling it won’t be Coe Coe :)  

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