Sunday, June 2, 2013

The Gillups Beach Retreat {Part 1}

Memorial Day weekend we went on our 4th annual beach trip with some of our favorite people – the Gills and the Phillips {Gilmers, Phillips, Gills = the Gillups}.  The trip has evolved over the years as one family dropped from the group (you know who you are and we hope you come back soon!) and additional children have been added to the group.  We all agreed on two things this year – 1) this was the best trip yet and 2) next year we want one more day/night! 

One year older for all the kids made a huge difference in our trip.  Everyone truly had a great time.  Mac enjoyed the beach, the pool, the bunk beds, the water guns, all the friends in one house and the endless supply of colored cereal!  Copeland, who didn’t exactly love the beach last year as recently as last week, busied himself playing cars under the tent, throwing sand at the ocean and water toys in the pool, and shooting his water gun.  He thought he was one of the big boys, but his favorite friend on the trip was definitely Frances. 

All the kids LOVED playing water gun fights with Mr. Dax and of course Mac concocted it into some type of animal fight, super hero rescue mission.  The ocean was flat as a board and crystal clear making it perfect for the kids to play in with no fear of getting knocked down by a wave.  They were in and out of the water from the moment they woke up until their tired heads hit their pillows. 

In between trips to the beach the kids swam in the pool and continued their water gun battles. I was worried when we first arrived that the pool might be a little small, but the kids jumped right in and never complained about the size.  They swam in the pool as soon as we had their bathing suits unpacked, again every morning before leaving for the beach and were back in the pool as soon as we came in for lunch. 

Thankfully my boys both napped every day after a late lunch, so mommy and daddy could enjoy a few hours of quiet time on the beach while the babysitter stayed with them at the house.  This allowed for a much more pleasant evening since I wasn’t dealing with overly exhausted children.  It really was the Best. Beach. Trip. Yet.  Looking forward to many more in the years to come!

{I am breaking this trip into 4 posts b/c I have so many pictures.  The sad part is that even with 4 posts I’m still not including all the pictures.  I have 200+!  No wonder I didn’t finish my book on the beach.  I was too busy taking pictures!}  

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