Thursday, June 19, 2014

Jedi Training

The pictures truly tell the story in this post.  Mac had the most amazing time at his party.  Afterwards he told me his favorite part was fighting Darth Vader and seeing me dressed up as Princess Leia.  Sometimes the things you do for your kids really do pay off!  I already told him from now on we are only do birthday party on years when you turn an even number.  I am going to need 2 years to recover from this one!   Star Wars Invitation Mac IMG_9388ps IMG_9392 IMG_9394 IMG_9398ps IMG_9410ps IMG_9417ps IMG_9430 IMG_9438 IMG_9446ps2 IMG_9457ps IMG_9459ps                                IMG_9463ps IMG_9464ps IMG_9465  IMG_9466psIMG_9468 IMG_9472 IMG_9475 IMG_9484 IMG_9487 IMG_9495  IMG_9503 IMG_9506 IMG_9509 IMG_9515 IMG_9516 IMG_9517 IMG_9562ps IMG_9593ps IMG_9609 IMG_9614 IMG_9620 IMG_9625 IMG_9676 IMG_9683ps IMG_9685


  1. Love it, Rach! I will have to send you pics of me dressing up as Belle (in the blue jumper dress) for Malin's bday this year. Malin was Princess Aurora while Steph was Cinderella and Matt was Prince Charming. I like to think Chi-O themed party days were just the tip of the iceberg! :)
    Happy Birthday to Mac!

  2. So so fun! Y'all took it to another level with the dress-up! A dream party for a Star Wars fan! :)
