I bought all three kids coordinating outfits for Christmas to wear to Copeland’s birthday party, but about two weeks ago Forrest told me that they were going out of town Easter weekend to meet Ed’s sister’s new baby. I was so disappointed that not only would we not get to spend Easter with Finley, but she was also going to miss Coe’s party and the photo op in their matching outfits. To make up for it we decided to put all the kids in the matching outfits and try for a quick photo shoot in our backyard the day before Copeland’s real birthday.
Mom had already volunteered to bring dinner that night (thankfully I haven’t had to cook a full meal since I had surgery. Crutches make working in the kitchen a severe hazard to everyone’s safety!). When she realized For and Fin were coming over and it was the day before Coe’s birthday, she suggested we have cupcakes and let Copeland open his presents from us that night.
I quickly agreed because I had forgotten two things: 1) how exhausting a photo shoot with 3 young children can be and 2) how impossible a 2yr old can be at photo shoots, birthday celebrations, and really any event that requires cooperation! Thankfully after some editing we got a few really cute pictures!
After an exhausting 30min of pictures we moved on to presents. Coe stuck to his same game plan from Christmas which meant he could care less about opening any presents! I kept wondering why I bothered to wrap anything. Yaya gave him some new Cars cars that Mac opened for him. Coe quickly took ownership of the cars and refused to share even one with Mac. We kept reminding Mac that it was coe’s birthday, and he didn’t have to share his new toys on his birthday. Mac quickly pointed out in his I’m smarter than you voice that it wasn’t Copey’s real birthday. Copeland quickly caught on to this new rule of no sharing and constantly said over and over, “I don’t have to share Mackey!” We all bit our tongues to keep from laughing. Mac was getting does of his own medicine.
Mac opened the rest of Copeland’s presents and then sent all the adults on an Easter egg hunt. He had filled the eggs with really small animals and toys and was so proud of himself for setting the whole thing up for us!
After daddy and Uncle Ed got Coe’s new grill put together, Coe took a quick break from playing cars to cook us some food. He even agreed to share this new toy with Mac for a little while!
After presents and dinner we all sang to Coe and he (and Mac) blew out the candles. coe thoroughly enjoyed his cupcake!
Happy early birthday to my baby boy!
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