The reason for our trip to Atlanta was for my cousin Emily’s wedding. She was a beautiful bride, and we all had a wonderful time at the wedding.
Mac and Copeland were looking for crocodiles, but one of them wasn’t so happy to stop looking when it was time for the wedding to begin.
Coe danced with everyone at the wedding. He cracked us all up as he moved from person to person. When no one was left on the dance floor he made do by himself. The boy has some moves!
Mac also did quite a bit of
dancing moving around. Although his moves were a little off beat, it didn’t seem to stop him. Poor thing got his mommy’s rhythm but he also got my self confidence. Not always a good combination!Copeland even managed to get Uncle Steve dancing/swinging/throwing him around until Uncle Steve had to call mercy. I’m pretty sure Mac and Copeland had the best time of anyone at the wedding. They were the first on and the last off the dance floor.
We got some great pictures and had a wonderful time at the wedding, but this picture probably best depicts how I felt most of the weekend!