Friday, November 23, 2012

Thankful for

Twice yesterday we went around the table and said what we were thankful for. Both times after Mac had a turn I remembered something else I was thankful for.

At Breakfast

Mommy: it's thanksgiving and we need to all think about what we are most thankful for

Mac: I did this at school. I don't remember what I said but today my most favorite thing is my family and friends. And my toys. But do you know what I'm most thankful for?

Albi: what?

Mac: it's who made me and he is bigger than anybody and he lives in heaven but it isn't Jesus. It's god!

Mac: I'm also thankful for god, Jesus, mommy and daddy for buying us this house

(My thoughts: I am so thankful that you go to a Christian preschool.  I want to keep you in this bubble forever!)

At lunch with the whole family:

Mac: This time I’m most thankful for this penguin cup that Yaya got me to drink out of, all my toys, my family and friends and John and Ran.  They are just pretend.  They are my imaginary friends.

(My thoughts: I am also thankful for John and Ran who are always available to play, never need an extra car seat in the car and are very quiet friends!)

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