Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A spring day in January

Last weekend the weather was gorgeous, so the boys and I headed outside.  Mac hasn’t been riding his bicycle lately, and I really wanted him to practice while the weather was nice.  At first he was hesitant and preferred to “run like a superhero” instead of “riding” like one. IMG_6426 IMG_6432He kept talking about the time he fell off (which was last summer) but eventually we got helmets on, and Mac was willing to get back on his bike.  He refused to let me take my hand off his back, but after a few minutes he was “flying” around the cul-de-sac and I was being left in the dust.      

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Copeland refused to let big brother have all the fun.  He started out in his truck but got tired and asked Mac to drive him.  That quickly ended when Mac took off, and Copeland flew off the back.   IMG_6444

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When Coe saw how much fun Mac was having on his bicycle Coe wanted to ride his “cycle” too.  He finally agreed to wear a helmet like his big brother and a few minutes later I was really glad I had insisted on it.  I watched him back his motorcycle up to the edge of the garage door and then use his feet to run it down the driveway as fast as he could.   He would lift his feet up where the driveway slopes down slightly, so he could fly down the decline yelling with sheer delight “mama watch dis!”  I looked on in horror just waiting for him to fall but thankfully it never happened.  IMG_6420I bet Mac rode around our cul-de-sac 100 times.  Once he got over his fear, he didn’t want to stop.  He managed to fall off his bike a few times, but he never took a bad spill.  He had a few issues steering and stopping, so occasionally he would run up the curb and tumble off.  Surprisingly he handled it ok, and I never had to get the band aids out (those who know Mac know that is major!).  IMG_6467Since neither the truck or the motorcycle would allow Copeland to keep up with his big brother, Coe took to his own two feet!    IMG_6474IMG_6470Soon after taking this picture though, he tripped and fell face first onto the asphalt.  A little blood on the chin, a few tears, and it was time to park the riding toys and head inside for lunch! 


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Christmas Card

This post is more for record keeping than anything else!  Several months ago I did a post (Christmas card photo session part 2) several months ago debating what pictures to use for my Christmas card.  I want to be able to look back years from now and remember the card I finally chose.  I think my niece did a great job on the pictures (we gave her credit for the photography on the back of the card) and my dear friend, Emily of Emily O. Holmes did a beautiful job designing my card.  Oh what fun!Print

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


The boys wanted to use their new cupcake kits from Gigi last weekend, so we got to work.  Baking with a 21mo old and a 4.5yr old is, well, interesting!  Coe did a good job mixing the batter, but when it came to icing the cupcakes he was way more interested in eating!IMG_6367  IMG_6371    IMG_6392 IMG_6393



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Monday, January 21, 2013

Big Boy pillow

Mac has slept on a baby pillow since…well as long as he has had a pillow in his baby bed.  After Jack P spent the night a week or so ago he told me that he was going to start sleeping on a big boy pillow.  I’m glad he still has his Bs and stuffed animals.  I’m not ready for him to grow up yet.  IMG_2695

Friday morning conversation with Mac while snuggled in my bed:

Mac: mommy did you know baby giraffes stay with their mommies for a year?
Me: Wow. How long are you going to stay with me?
Mac: forever. Well actually when I grow up I have to leave but I'm going to live in the house next to you if I can find you.
Me: trust me I'll let you know where I am!
Mac: well if there isn't a house right next to you I'll just live in your neighborhood.
Hope Mac's future wife really likes me since we are going to be neighbors!


Tonight’s bedtime conversation:

Mac: Mommy, when I go to heaven I don’t want to leave Petter (stuffed leopard), Tyson (stuffed Tiger) or Brownie (stuffed baby lab) here.  I want to take them with me and give them to God.  Then I will ask God to cover me with them. 

Me (with tears in my eyes): ok but you aren’t going to heaven for a really long time. I want you to be really, really, really old before you go so you can stay with me for a long time.

Mac: But mommy when I get big I have to leave, but don’t worry because I’m going to live next door and if I can’t find a house next to you I will find one in your neighborhood.

Me: and if you find one in a different neighborhood I’ll just come get a house by you. Can Copey live by us too.

Mac: Yes, but what if he finds a house in another neighborhood and he won’t listen to us

Me: we will just call him and tell him he has to come and live by us.

Mac: good deal mom. Let’s pinky promise!

If only I could freeze time…

Mac and Coe stories

Now that Copeland is talking so much I have funny stories to write about him too.  his personality is very different from Mac’s and the two of them keep us on our toes with all the things they say and come up with.  Here is the latest:

Copeland at bedtime

Mommy: do you know who loves you the most in the world?

Coe: Jack P?

Mommy: no

Coe: Mac?

Mommy: no mommy does

Coe: no Mac does!

Copeland stalling

Coe: Ina (I want to) see Mac

Mommy: Mac is in bed

Coe: Need water

(I hand him a cup of water)

Coe: No! Need ice

Mommy: No we aren't getting ice

Coe: Ina (I want to) see Daddy

This is when I really knew he was stalling because he never let’s daddy put him to bed if I’m at home.  I called Albi to come in the room and Copeland gave him a hug and kiss and said goodnight but then immediately put me in a bear hug and said “need momma”

Growing up

Jack came to spend the night the other night and for the first time ever didn’t bring any of his lovies. (Actually I found one of his lovies in his bag the next morning but I didn’t know it was there and he never asked for it at bedtime.)

Mac: I don't need my Bs. I'm not a baby. I'm just sleeping with these fuzzy dinos. They aren't lovies.

A few minutes later I saw him on the monitor sneekily get his Bs from the foot of the bed and tuck them next to his pillow.  I’m glad he isn’t all grown up just yet! 


According to Mac Dark Saber = Darth Vader and Argentino = R2D2.  don’t try to correct him.  Its a losing battle.

Mac’s Olympic Aspirations

Mommy: Mac you are getting really good at basketball

Mac: Yea, I think I'm going to play basketball instead of Lympics (Olympics)

Mommy: Really?

Mac: You know in the Lympics they have to run a lot so I just want to play basketball.

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Sunday, January 13, 2013


Mac truly believes at times that he is a superhero.  Copeland has no idea what he is doing, but he loves that Mac is including him in the game and that he gets to wear a cape.  I found these shirts at Target and told the boys they could each have 1 so to pick Superman or Batman.  Of course G volunteered to buy the other one so they could both have one of each.  Mac puts one of his shirts on every time it is clean.  this was the best $12 G and I spent in a long time.  You can tell from the pictures below he takes his roll seriously!   IMG_6351 IMG_6353 IMG_6355 IMG_6356 IMG_6364 IMG_6365 superheros

New Year’s Eve

Wow how my new year’s eves have changed over the years!  For the past 3-4 years though they have been very similar, and for the record I’m fine with that!  We have our friends and their children to our house around 6.  Every eats, enjoys a few beverages of choice, the kids play and we ring in the new year around 9pm so everyone can go home and put kids to bed.  Not a wild night out but that is perfectly ok.  I love ringing in the new year with some of my favorite friends, my husband and my two favorite little boys in the world. 

My pictures from new years are pretty bad.  I tried to take a few of the kids eating, playing and marching in their “new year’s” band/parade, but it was dark and the picture quality suffered.  Oh well, the parents had fun and the kids had a blast. Happy 2013! IMG_6315 IMG_6320 IMG_6322 IMG_6325 IMG_6327 IMG_6328 IMG_6329 IMG_6338 IMG_6339 IMG_6345 IMG_6349

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


The boys have been playing a lot with their new toys.  So far none of the Christmas toys are collecting any dust!    IMG_2632 IMG_2640  IMG_2649Coe thinks he is playing the Wii but his remote doesn’t work.  It is the perfect set up for both boys.  IMG_6216Coe has been working on his golf swing and was really attached to his blue sock monkey hat for a few days.  IMG_6222 IMG_6223 IMG_6225IMG_6240  IMG_6234IMG_6232 

Forrest sent me this picture of Finley to ask me if I thought Finley was fat!  I assured her that Finley is perfect and that her large round cheeks are perfect for kissing!  Could she look any more like a Gerber baby?  finley