Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A spring day in January

Last weekend the weather was gorgeous, so the boys and I headed outside.  Mac hasn’t been riding his bicycle lately, and I really wanted him to practice while the weather was nice.  At first he was hesitant and preferred to “run like a superhero” instead of “riding” like one. IMG_6426 IMG_6432He kept talking about the time he fell off (which was last summer) but eventually we got helmets on, and Mac was willing to get back on his bike.  He refused to let me take my hand off his back, but after a few minutes he was “flying” around the cul-de-sac and I was being left in the dust.      

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Copeland refused to let big brother have all the fun.  He started out in his truck but got tired and asked Mac to drive him.  That quickly ended when Mac took off, and Copeland flew off the back.   IMG_6444

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When Coe saw how much fun Mac was having on his bicycle Coe wanted to ride his “cycle” too.  He finally agreed to wear a helmet like his big brother and a few minutes later I was really glad I had insisted on it.  I watched him back his motorcycle up to the edge of the garage door and then use his feet to run it down the driveway as fast as he could.   He would lift his feet up where the driveway slopes down slightly, so he could fly down the decline yelling with sheer delight “mama watch dis!”  I looked on in horror just waiting for him to fall but thankfully it never happened.  IMG_6420I bet Mac rode around our cul-de-sac 100 times.  Once he got over his fear, he didn’t want to stop.  He managed to fall off his bike a few times, but he never took a bad spill.  He had a few issues steering and stopping, so occasionally he would run up the curb and tumble off.  Surprisingly he handled it ok, and I never had to get the band aids out (those who know Mac know that is major!).  IMG_6467Since neither the truck or the motorcycle would allow Copeland to keep up with his big brother, Coe took to his own two feet!    IMG_6474IMG_6470Soon after taking this picture though, he tripped and fell face first onto the asphalt.  A little blood on the chin, a few tears, and it was time to park the riding toys and head inside for lunch! 


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