Now that Copeland is talking so much I have funny stories to write about him too. his personality is very different from Mac’s and the two of them keep us on our toes with all the things they say and come up with. Here is the latest:
Copeland at bedtime
Mommy: do you know who loves you the most in the world?
Coe: Jack P?
Mommy: no
Coe: Mac?
Mommy: no mommy does
Coe: no Mac does!
Copeland stalling
Coe: Ina (I want to) see Mac
Mommy: Mac is in bed
Coe: Need water
(I hand him a cup of water)
Coe: No! Need ice
Mommy: No we aren't getting ice
Coe: Ina (I want to) see Daddy
This is when I really knew he was stalling because he never let’s daddy put him to bed if I’m at home. I called Albi to come in the room and Copeland gave him a hug and kiss and said goodnight but then immediately put me in a bear hug and said “need momma”
Growing up
Jack came to spend the night the other night and for the first time ever didn’t bring any of his lovies. (Actually I found one of his lovies in his bag the next morning but I didn’t know it was there and he never asked for it at bedtime.)
Mac: I don't need my Bs. I'm not a baby. I'm just sleeping with these fuzzy dinos. They aren't lovies.
A few minutes later I saw him on the monitor sneekily get his Bs from the foot of the bed and tuck them next to his pillow. I’m glad he isn’t all grown up just yet!
According to Mac Dark Saber = Darth Vader and Argentino = R2D2. don’t try to correct him. Its a losing battle.
Mac’s Olympic Aspirations
Mommy: Mac you are getting really good at basketball
Mac: Yea, I think I'm going to play basketball instead of Lympics (Olympics)
Mommy: Really?
Mac: You know in the Lympics they have to run a lot so I just want to play basketball.
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