Friday, September 28, 2012

Dad’s for doughnuts

Today was dad’s for doughnuts in Mac’s class.  I wish I could say I had pictures, but the mom’s weren’t invited and of course Albi didn’t take any pics.  Mac was super excited that daddy was coming to him class.  We called daddy on the way to school to make sure he was going to be there on time.  Mac gave him all the instructions:

Daddy do not go in my class until I get there.  Then on the left table is some juice.  On the right are the doughnuts.  I will get you a doughnut first and then I can serve myself one.  I will also get your juice for you.  You do not get anything by yourself.  I will get it for you.  There are not enough chairs for all the kids and all the dads to sit so the kids are supposed to sit in their dad’s lap.

I called Albi afterwards to see how it went.  He said Mac was super excited he was there.  Then he relayed the following story to me:

Mac: Daddy please tell my teachers how you got a purple toe one time

Albi: No I don’t need to tell them that.

Mac: Please tell them daddy.

Albi (to the teachers and Mac): Ok, one time I accidentally kicked a piece of furniture in our house and broke my toe.  It turned purple.

Mac: Daddy now tell them how sometimes I hit you in the wee wee and it really hurts and gets on your nerves.

Albi (sternly): No Mac.  Some stories don’t need to be told and are just between the family

(Until mom puts it on the blog!) 

I know Albi was mortified that Mac was talking about his “wee wee” at school, but I thought this was hilarious and very typical Mac! 

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Time to be outside

Saturday the weather was great for an early morning soccer game.  We all headed to the fields and watched Mac score another goal.  Aunt Forrest, Uncle Ed and Finley all came to cheer on the lions as well. 

IMG_3846 IMG_3848 IMG_3850 IMG_3852For once Copeland cooperated and sat in the stroller until the very end of the game.  (It helped that I gave him food to eat the whole time)    IMG_3854We let Coe get out of the stroller as soon as the game was over.  He hadn’t been out 2 minutes before he found a way to get filthy. IMG_3859 IMG_3860He ran to Coach Scott when I tried to pick him up and clean him off.  Thankfully Coach Scott didn’t seem to mind a dirty baby boy.   IMG_3861

After the soccer game we decided to head to PCC for some family golf time at the driving range followed by lunch.  The boys loved it.  Especially Mac who takes his golf very seriously.  Mac can really hit the ball long and straight for a 4 yr old.  The crazy thing is that he has been doing that since he was 15mo old.  Coe on the other hand seems to enjoy throwing the golf balls as much as he does hitting them, but he gave it a try and was happy to just been included in the golf outing for once.    IMG_3862 IMG_3863 IMG_3868  IMG_3906IMG_3876

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IMG_3896 IMG_3899 IMG_3900IMG_3909IMG_3902 IMG_3911 IMG_3908   IMG_3913 I could see the moods changing after about 45min of hitting balls, so Albi and I quickly gathered all the clubs and headed back to the clubhouse for lunch.  The boys actually both sat in their own seats at lunch, used their inside voices, and ate their food. For anyone who has ever gone to a restaurant with a 4yr old and an 18mo old you understand my delight at this accomplishment. 

It was a successful Saturday morning and we were home in time for Copeland to take an afternoon nap which was very much needed by that point. 


Coe went to his 18 mo appointment with Ms. Tavi.  He is in the 96% for weight at 29.5lbs and his length…well his length is up for debate.  At the Drs office the nurse said he was 35.5 inches which put him off the growth chart.  When we got home I re-measured him and let me just say it is hard to measure a toddler.  He was wiggling all around and despite my numerous measuring methods I’m not sure I ever got an accurate read.  The average of my measurements puts Coe closer to 34.5 inches which is still 96% for length.  Bottom line is that Copeland is definitely bigger than Mac at the same age.

Mac came to the appointment with us so he could get his flu shot.  We talked about being strong and showing Copey how to be brave.  Mac jumped right on the table and sat very still…until the nurse jabbed him with “the pin.”  Then came the scream followed by the tears.  Mac has always been dramatic and this time was no different.  I quickly scooped him up and the tears stopped but we all heard about “the pin” for the next several hours.

Next was Copeland’s turn.  He too sat on the table and looked right at the nurse as she pulled out the needle.  She jabbed Coe and he just looked at her and said “Oww.”  She jabbed him a 2nd time, and he glared at her with his mad face and then looked at me.  There is a lot less drama when it comes to Copeland.  

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Wedding fun

One of my friends from work got married this weekend which meant I got to do some things I love. 

Got dressed up and went to a wedding - I have always loved getting dressed up – especially when I have a new fun dress to wear!  I also LOVE weddings.  If I could plan my wedding and get married again I would do it in a heart beat.  For the record I would keep the same groom.  Matter of fact there is very little I would change about my wedding. I just loved planning it and then having it so much that I would do it all over again if I could.  Unfortunately my dad said he wasn’t paying again so I’ll just stick with the memories and photos I have from the first one and continue to go to everyone else’s wedding.

Hung out with my friends sans children – as much as I love my children and doing stuff with them it is nice to have a night out without them.  I was actually able to talk to my girlfriends without changing a diaper, wiping a nose or tying a shoe.  During the entire night I never once asked someone to use their inside voice, and I didn’t have to send anyone to timeout! 

Danced the night away – I’m a horrible dancer, but give me a good band and a glass of wine and I don’t care.  I danced the night away with my girlfriends while Albi watched football at the bar with the guys.  We both had a blast.IMG_1962IMG_1963 IMG_1964I discovered my newest obsession at the wedding…the photo booth!  love of pictures + friends + props = love the photo booth.  I’m trying to get the firm to use one of the pictures of me and Aaron in our next ad :)     IMG_2002    IMG_2006 IMG_2007

Monday, September 24, 2012

Crazy day

Last week was “c” week in Mac’s class.  He returned to school on Thursday after vacation and was ready for “crazy day.”  Mac went dressed as the crazy animal man and had an animal on every article of clothing that he had on!

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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Splash (vacation part 5…final)

Overall the vacation was great, but as with any vacation we had a few issues.  The biggest issue was really with Splash itself.  As I mentioned in the original vacation post the kids’ water park area was closed when we arrived.  Not only was this extremely disappointing, but the way Splash’s rental agency handled it was subpar at best.  No one mentioned this issue to us when we checked in, no explanation as to why the water park was closed was given, and no discount was offered due to this huge inconvenience.  All we got was this sign posted in the elevator. 

photo Now some may wonder what the big deal was.  We still had a pool, a lazy river and the beach.  This is true, but you have to understand that the whole reason we chose to stay at Splash was because of this…

pool2 A fully covered (aka out of the sun) kids water dream land.  If all I wanted was a condo on the beach with a pool, I had a million options.  I convinced the rest of our extended family to stay at Splash (which we knew wasn’t as new or as nice yet cost a little more than other condos) so the boys would have a fun play option out of the sun (my kids don’t tan well!) and away from the sand (which often isn’t their favorite thing!). We weren’t the only people upset mad.  I have never heard as many parents complaining as I did on this trip.  Everyone with children under 6 (which was 75% of the people staying at Splash) was mad.

Madeline and I were getting on the elevator right next to the water park on Monday night and we noticed they were filling it up with water hoses.  We saw a Splash employee and asked what was going on.  He said they were going to open the water park the next morning because “we have got to make some parents happy around here!”  YEAH! 

Tuesday was our last day and Mac was thrilled when I told him the water park was open.  Albi was golfing with Fil so G and I headed to the water park first thing.  The boys were WILD and HAPPY despite the cold FREEZING water!

IMG_3793  IMG_3797 IMG_3796IMG_3799 IMG_3803 IMG_3806 IMG_3807 IMG_3808 IMG_3809 IMG_3810 IMG_3813 IMG_3815 IMG_3817 IMG_3821 IMG_3824IMG_3827  IMG_3828 IMG_3831 IMG_3834 IMG_3835The boys played in the water until Coe’s lips were blue then we headed down to the beach for a few hours before going to the water park one more time before lunch.  Madeline and Mallory came the 2nd time which just added to the boys excitement.  If Mac told us once he told us a hundred times, “I love my cousins more than anything in this world.  My cousins are Madeline, Mallory and Finley.” 

Whenever a visit with the Gilmers comes to an end I always wish we lived closer and could see each other more often.  Mac really does love his cousins, and I think a regular dose of Deeda discipline would be good for Mac :)  I’m glad we have all the pictures to look back on.  Mac and Coe both love looking through our vacation photo books.  I guess I better get started on the beach book!IMG_1936 IMG_3837 IMG_3838 IMG_3839 IMG_3840 IMG_3841

Bye Bye beach vacation…IMG_3843