Today was dad’s for doughnuts in Mac’s class. I wish I could say I had pictures, but the mom’s weren’t invited and of course Albi didn’t take any pics. Mac was super excited that daddy was coming to him class. We called daddy on the way to school to make sure he was going to be there on time. Mac gave him all the instructions:
Daddy do not go in my class until I get there. Then on the left table is some juice. On the right are the doughnuts. I will get you a doughnut first and then I can serve myself one. I will also get your juice for you. You do not get anything by yourself. I will get it for you. There are not enough chairs for all the kids and all the dads to sit so the kids are supposed to sit in their dad’s lap.
I called Albi afterwards to see how it went. He said Mac was super excited he was there. Then he relayed the following story to me:
Mac: Daddy please tell my teachers how you got a purple toe one time
Albi: No I don’t need to tell them that.
Mac: Please tell them daddy.
Albi (to the teachers and Mac): Ok, one time I accidentally kicked a piece of furniture in our house and broke my toe. It turned purple.
Mac: Daddy now tell them how sometimes I hit you in the wee wee and it really hurts and gets on your nerves.
Albi (sternly): No Mac. Some stories don’t need to be told and are just between the family
(Until mom puts it on the blog!)
I know Albi was mortified that Mac was talking about his “wee wee” at school, but I thought this was hilarious and very typical Mac!