Coe went to his 18 mo appointment with Ms. Tavi. He is in the 96% for weight at 29.5lbs and his length…well his length is up for debate. At the Drs office the nurse said he was 35.5 inches which put him off the growth chart. When we got home I re-measured him and let me just say it is hard to measure a toddler. He was wiggling all around and despite my numerous measuring methods I’m not sure I ever got an accurate read. The average of my measurements puts Coe closer to 34.5 inches which is still 96% for length. Bottom line is that Copeland is definitely bigger than Mac at the same age.
Mac came to the appointment with us so he could get his flu shot. We talked about being strong and showing Copey how to be brave. Mac jumped right on the table and sat very still…until the nurse jabbed him with “the pin.” Then came the scream followed by the tears. Mac has always been dramatic and this time was no different. I quickly scooped him up and the tears stopped but we all heard about “the pin” for the next several hours.
Next was Copeland’s turn. He too sat on the table and looked right at the nurse as she pulled out the needle. She jabbed Coe and he just looked at her and said “Oww.” She jabbed him a 2nd time, and he glared at her with his mad face and then looked at me. There is a lot less drama when it comes to Copeland.
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