Last weekend was a great weekend but we missed daddy during the day. Albi had a continuing education class Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Thankfully he was home at night and finished Sunday afternoon in time to go with us to PYC family day. Saturday morning the boys and I got up and did a quick grocery store run before heading to Gigi and Papou’s condo to swim.
The boys had a blast swimming and both fell asleep on the ride home.
Mom came by for a little bit on Saturday afternoon. She asked Mac if daddy was at his class. Mac’s response, “No he is at his course but it isn’t a golf course. It’s a teaching course!”
Saturday night Forrest, Ed and baby Finley came over. It was Finley’s first of many dinners at our house. Coe kept saying “baby” and really wanted to sit in my lap the whole time I held Finley. I don’t think he was jealous. He just wanted a better look at the “baby”. At one point he hit her on the head. Well, he didn’t really hit her but his hands definitely touched her head a littler rougher than I would have liked, and she started crying. She was starting to wake up in my arms when Coe decided to “pat” her head. I think Coe startled her. Thankfully Forrest didn’t freak out (and I don’t think Ed saw!).
Mac held Finley after dinner, and did a great job. He knew to get the boppy and sit very still in the chair. You can tell he loves her and he really loves that he is big enough to hold her all by himself. Unfortunately I was so busy making sure he didn’t drop her that I didn’t get any pictures.
Sunday morning the boys wanted to play outside. I don’t know what it is about the back yard, but Mac always wants to take his clothes off. Maybe it’s because it is so hot! Mac quickly stripped down to his underwear and Copeland had on nothing but a diaper. I laughed as they jumped on the trampoline together. Coe kept saying “whoa, whoa” as Mac jumped all around him.
The boys pretended to be mandrills (it’s a type of baboon that Mac learned about from Yaya last week). Copeland never knows he is supposed to be an animal, but as long as he runs around Mac is satisfied.
Both boys were sweaty and filthy after playtime, so I gave them a bath before lunch and nap time. I remember the pictures of Forrest and I in the bath tub with crazy hair. Tried to recreate the look with the boys!
Sunday afternoon we went to family day at PYC to meet Yaya, Coste, and Coste’s godson and his family – John, Jennifer, John Mastin and Parker.
The big boys were excited to go down the huge waterslide while the little boys loved the puppet show. It was a well planned event with something for all ages to enjoy.
I didn’t get many pictures of Mac because he never stopped moving the whole afternoon. He and John Mastin did the waterslides a million times and swam in the yacht club’s Olympic size pool. Mac and Copeland both danced with the band after dinner, and everyone agreed Copeland has a lot more rhythm than big brother Mac!
I sure hope the last few weekends of summer are just as much fun!
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