Not only are my mom’s parents still alive, but they are in great health. They (Nana and Granddaddy) came from Tuscaloosa this past weekend to meet their newest great grandchild (#6) and visit with the rest of the Pensacola family. I am so lucky and blessed to have them be an active part of our lives.
Granddaddy is 83 and still plays golf 6 days a week. He and Albi played Saturday and Sunday. Nana’s will be 81 this week, and prides herself on giving all 11 grandchildren and now 6 great grandchildren one of their first baths.
The weekend was all about the family and I really didn’t take many pictures until Saturday night when everyone came to our house for dinner.
The highlight of Mac’s night was getting to hold Finley!
Coe much preferred Mac holding Finley than me holding her. I kept promising him that he will always be my baby. Copeland is fascinated with Finely and always tries to touch her. The problem is that he doesn’t understand gentle. We have to put her on something high when she is sleeping in her basket, so Coe can’t touch her and wake her up!
The boys were pretty good this weekend. Well let me take that back. Both had moments of greatness and moments of total meltdown. Mac got a little sassy Friday night before we went to dinner at Yaya’s house, but he straightened up and was great the whole time we were at mom’s. The ride home and once we got to the house was another story. Coe had a few meltdowns at Yaya’s. He would eat a bite of food and then just cry cry cry, so I finally gave him Tylenol. I’m thinking his 2 yr old molars will be making an appearance soon.
Saturday morning we went swimming at mom’s. The boys were little fish. Mac practiced all his strokes because as he says “I’m going to the Olympics.” Copeland jumped off the side, put his head under and swam all around with his floaty on. Nana could not believe how he put his head under, kept his eyes (and mouth) open, and would look all around before he came up and gently spit the water out of his moth like a fountain.
Saturday night Copeland decided to show everyone that he can be just as strong willed as his big brother. While outside on the new patio he found the one spot on the side of the house where some of the porch gravel has run off. He kept throwing the gravel all over himself and anyone nearby despite me telling him no several times. Some may disagree with what I did next but I got a wooden spoon and I lightly popped him twice on the leg - he didn’t cry! He just gave me the mad face. I wasn’t really sure what to do at that point, but before I could do anything he threw the sand again. This time I popped his hand with the spoon hoping he would understand I didn’t want him to throw sand. That got some tears – more from hurt feelings than real pain – and he hung his head as he walked away from the gravel pit. I sat down proud of myself for finally controlling at least one of my children when before I knew it Coe was sneaking up around the chair with his hands full of sand and gravel to see if I was watching him. He then looked right at me and threw the sand again. I was in shock! My sweet, laid back baby has hit the terrible twos…a little early! He got another pop on the hand as I carried him inside kicking and screaming. The rest of the night alternated between him being happy go lucky to whining and crying. I put him to bed at 7:15 and he slept until 8:45 this morning. Today I had my happy, laid back baby back!
I had to work today and Albi went golfing with Granddaddy so one of our regular Sunday babysitters came. She hasn’t babysat in several weeks because Albi has been able to stay home with the kids most Sundays I work, but we needed her today and the boys were happy to see her. I told her to make Mac have quiet time in his bed after lunch with the hope that he would fall asleep. He has been up late all weekend and then waking up early which is not a good combo for Mac. Anyway Mac did fall asleep and Miss Ashley had to wake him up so he could get ready for the birthday party he had in the afternoon. I got this text from Ashley after she woke him up:
Me- Mac, rise and shine its time to get ready for your birthday party.
Mac- Before I get ready I have to save all the ant eaters.
Me- oh yeah.
Mac- Miss Ashley you just don’t understand, I am going to save the world today.
Your kids crack me up! I love them.