Friday, August 31, 2012
I can’t see you
Copeland is of the age where he thinks if he can’t see you, then you can’t see him. Whenever I tell him its time to get out of the bath he immediately gets very quiet and goes into this positions with his eyes closed. After a few seconds he opens his eyes and peaks around to see if I’m looking at him. Then he says “boo!” I have to admit I generally get so tickled that he gets a few more minutes in the bath. I caught him in the pose the other night when I was calling him to come get his pajamas on after his bath. My funny ostrich boy.
1st haircut
Today I spent the afternoon with the boys because Miss Colleen went out of town. Copeland has been in need of a real haircut (as opposed to the crooked trims Yaya and I have done to avoid him having a mullet) so I made an appointment a few weeks ago for him to go in today and meet Ms. Karinia. Karinia cuts my hair, Albi’s hair and Mac’s hair, so of course she had to cut Copeland’s. As soon as we got to the salon, Mac announced to the receptionist that only the blonde haired boy was getting his hair cut!
Coe was already tired when we got there which I knew could be really good (too tired to be wiggly) or really bad (cranky and not willing to sit in the chair). Thankfully it was the former and not the latter. Copeland was very still in the chair, but he gave Karinia the stink eye from the first moment we arrived. He wasn’t quite sure what she was doing with the water bottle and scissors but he was determined to watch intently in the mirror.
Karinia and I both commented on how much calmer Copeland was than Mac at his first haircut and really every haircut since then! Sitting still is just not Mac’s thing. Coe never said a word and never cracked a smile until I offered him gummies. Then I finally got a sheepish grin out of him as he would softly whisper “'nuder (aka another) bite?” The lollipop at the end was also a big hit!
My baby has his first big boy haircut. He is growing up too fast! Ms. Karinia did a great job as always. Mac goes with Albi every 4 wks to get his haircut. I wonder if Albi can manage taking both of them…I’m thinking no on that one!
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Thank you Isaac
For the past 5 or so days everyone on the Gulf Coast has been closely following Isaac. At first it was set to come straight for Pensacola. Full panic set in around town. Residents were buying water, batteries, and non perishable food by the bulk and getting gas meant driving to two or three gas stations before you could find one with gas and then waiting 3-4 cars deep to get to the pump. Although I never pray for a hurricane to hit another city I do pray that they don’t come to Pensacola. Isaac was no exception. Thankfully my prayers were answered and sometime Saturday night/early Sunday morning the computer models were showing a much more westward trend. Despite what appeared to be a clear consensus by mid day Sunday that those of us in Pensacola were out of the “cone of danger,” school was closed for Monday and Tuesday - “just in case.” The weather forecasters were still predicting tropical storm force winds in the Pensacola area and lots of rain. After record rainfall this summer, the grounds were already saturated and many were worried about localized flooding.
Charles is out of the country so Albi and Ed headed to mom’s on Sunday afternoon to put the hurricane shields up. Even though we were pretty sure Pensacola wouldn’t see sustained hurricane force winds, you never really know what the storm surge might do. Plus Charles is out of the country and neither Albi nor Ed wanted to be the one to tell him they were not going to put the storm gear up at his house!
After Ivan destroyed LP 8 years ago, the firm wasn’t taking any chances either. Files were secured on Monday afternoon and everyone was instructed to clear off their desks before leaving.
My desk hasn’t been this bare since my first day at LP which was 1 month prior to Ivan destroying my office and everyone else’s in our building. The sight left me with a slight feeling of unease which was soon forgotten when I got home to my own little hurricanes!
Right after I got home, Copeland pulled all the stuffed animals out of his wagon and sat inside it. He was yelling something that only Mac understood and before I knew it Mac was racing Copey through the house in the wagon. I stood in amazement at how fast they were going and how surprisingly good Mac was at stopping within an inch of running into the wall. I grabbed my camera and took a few pictures before I really came to my senses and ended what I was certain was a dangerous activity!
Since Albi and I were both off unexpectedly, we had absolutely no plans for the day. I made a big breakfast, and we all sat down and ate together which we never do in the mornings.
Lacy called and said her kids were going stir crazy and since the weather didn’t seem to be doing much of anything could Mac come over and play with Jack. Mac had a bag of toys packed before I could hang up the phone.
He stayed at Jack’s for a few hours while Albi, Copeland and I hung out at the house. Coe took a really long morning nap, so I was able to get some work done on the home computer that I had been meaning to do for months.
Copeland spent a lot of time today looking through all the photo books I have made over the years. He loves looking through them, pointing to everyone and then saying their name. I love that he always refers to himself as “baby.” Matter of fact if you ask him his name he tells you its baby! He has also started calling me mommy instead of mama. I love it! He does have a habit of saying it over and over again with about a 5 second pause in between. It doesn’t matter if I respond to him or not. He continues to say it over and over and over again. (I have to admit that can get a little annoying in the car, but I love his sweet little voice so much that I tolerate it just fine. Albi hasn’t adapted to it quite as well!)
I digressed…Albi managed to sneak in a quick nap while I worked out and the boys played on the iPhone and Innopad. I think all Coe managed to do was turn the device on and off a million times, but Albi didn’t seem to care or mind.
Mac and I did some of his at home school books. He generally does these with Miss Colleen, and he was very quick to tell me that she is better at school work than I am.
Mac helped me make pudding for dessert and then the whole family went on a walk after dinner. We had about an hour of hard rain and wind around 4pm but by the time we finished eating the weather was actually pleasant. We were all a little stir crazy so we put the boys in the double stroller and went for a walk. On our way back we noticed Mac had gotten very quiet. We looked down, and he was sound asleep. It was only 6:40pm. We debated waking him up or putting him straight to bed and hoping he didn’t wake up at 4am. We decided to carry him straight to his bed and if he stayed asleep, we would leave him for the night. He is currently sleeping soundly in his clothes.
I’m happy that for those of us in the Pensacola area, it was a lot of prep, panic and worry for nothing! I know that isn’t the case for those on the Mississippi Gulf Coast and in New Orleans, therefore I sit here very grateful that other than about a hour of rain and wind late this afternoon, we saw very little from Isaac. In reality, Isaac allowed me to have a quiet relaxing productive day at home with my family. Thanks Isaac.
B pajamas
Due to the threat of hurricane Isaac on the Gulf Coast school was cancelled for Monday and Tuesday. Initially I was disappointed that school was cancelled for Monday because it was supposed to be Mac’s first day in VPK. He has been so bored the past few weeks since summer camp ended, and we were all looking forward to him going back to school! The positive of no school on Monday though meant a few extra minutes for Mac to snuggle in my bed before I had to get ready for work.
I have a pair of silky men’s style pajamas that Mac calls my “B” pajamas. They feel like the outside edge of the blanket (aka “B”) he sleeps with every night, so he loves to snuggle next to me when I have on the B pajamas. Mac cheered with delight – “yeah B pajamas, B pajamas” - when he climbed in my bed yesterday morning. Who knows how much longer he will climb in bed and want to snuggle with me. I really should buy a few more pairs of these pajamas so I can take full advantage of the snuggle time while he still wants to give it.
There are mornings when I think I will never get to work at a decent hour because of all the things the boys can and will do to delay me, but I wouldn’t trade my mornings of getting ready with them for anything in the world. Whether it is a few extra minutes snuggling in bed or chasing Coe around the bathroom as I try to get my lipstick back (he loves to dig his little finger in there and then use it as face paint!), these days will be over before I know it. Until then I will embrace the wild and crazy mornings.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Soccer Practice
We asked Mac if he wanted to play soccer again this year, and the only thing he wanted to know was whether Jack P was playing. I called Lacy, and they were on the fence as well. When she asked Jack all he wanted to know was whether Mac Gilmer was playing. Lacy and I decided we would sign them up and if nothing more it would be a good opportunity to get the kids out of the house to run around outside.
The first soccer practice was a million times better than last year. Mac actually listened to the coach, stayed in line, did the drills and kicked the ball in the net. So far we are off to a much better start than last year when at the very first game Mac said to me, “Mommy I cannot play soccer.” “Why not?” “Because I am a red tailed hawk and hawks can’t kick a ball they just fly.” He then spent the entire game running on the field and flapping his arms. He never touched the ball. On the way to practice this year Mac said "mom and dad, at soccer you are going to hear 'Mac kicked the ball in the net. Mac scored. Mac wins the game'". He doesn't lack in confidence!
Coe thinks he is on the team and stood in line with the big boys during practice and tried to take a turn kicking the ball in the net. Not a big deal if he runs on the field during practice, but that is not going to be ok during the games where he is likely to get trampled. I’m sure his attendance at the games is going to make for a lot of running and chasing for me and Albi. Hopefully I will get a few pictures at some point this season. No time to take any at practice while also chasing Coe!
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Nana and Granddaddy
Not only are my mom’s parents still alive, but they are in great health. They (Nana and Granddaddy) came from Tuscaloosa this past weekend to meet their newest great grandchild (#6) and visit with the rest of the Pensacola family. I am so lucky and blessed to have them be an active part of our lives.
Granddaddy is 83 and still plays golf 6 days a week. He and Albi played Saturday and Sunday. Nana’s will be 81 this week, and prides herself on giving all 11 grandchildren and now 6 great grandchildren one of their first baths.
The weekend was all about the family and I really didn’t take many pictures until Saturday night when everyone came to our house for dinner.
The highlight of Mac’s night was getting to hold Finley!
Coe much preferred Mac holding Finley than me holding her. I kept promising him that he will always be my baby. Copeland is fascinated with Finely and always tries to touch her. The problem is that he doesn’t understand gentle. We have to put her on something high when she is sleeping in her basket, so Coe can’t touch her and wake her up!
The boys were pretty good this weekend. Well let me take that back. Both had moments of greatness and moments of total meltdown. Mac got a little sassy Friday night before we went to dinner at Yaya’s house, but he straightened up and was great the whole time we were at mom’s. The ride home and once we got to the house was another story. Coe had a few meltdowns at Yaya’s. He would eat a bite of food and then just cry cry cry, so I finally gave him Tylenol. I’m thinking his 2 yr old molars will be making an appearance soon.
Saturday morning we went swimming at mom’s. The boys were little fish. Mac practiced all his strokes because as he says “I’m going to the Olympics.” Copeland jumped off the side, put his head under and swam all around with his floaty on. Nana could not believe how he put his head under, kept his eyes (and mouth) open, and would look all around before he came up and gently spit the water out of his moth like a fountain.
Saturday night Copeland decided to show everyone that he can be just as strong willed as his big brother. While outside on the new patio he found the one spot on the side of the house where some of the porch gravel has run off. He kept throwing the gravel all over himself and anyone nearby despite me telling him no several times. Some may disagree with what I did next but I got a wooden spoon and I lightly popped him twice on the leg - he didn’t cry! He just gave me the mad face. I wasn’t really sure what to do at that point, but before I could do anything he threw the sand again. This time I popped his hand with the spoon hoping he would understand I didn’t want him to throw sand. That got some tears – more from hurt feelings than real pain – and he hung his head as he walked away from the gravel pit. I sat down proud of myself for finally controlling at least one of my children when before I knew it Coe was sneaking up around the chair with his hands full of sand and gravel to see if I was watching him. He then looked right at me and threw the sand again. I was in shock! My sweet, laid back baby has hit the terrible twos…a little early! He got another pop on the hand as I carried him inside kicking and screaming. The rest of the night alternated between him being happy go lucky to whining and crying. I put him to bed at 7:15 and he slept until 8:45 this morning. Today I had my happy, laid back baby back!
I had to work today and Albi went golfing with Granddaddy so one of our regular Sunday babysitters came. She hasn’t babysat in several weeks because Albi has been able to stay home with the kids most Sundays I work, but we needed her today and the boys were happy to see her. I told her to make Mac have quiet time in his bed after lunch with the hope that he would fall asleep. He has been up late all weekend and then waking up early which is not a good combo for Mac. Anyway Mac did fall asleep and Miss Ashley had to wake him up so he could get ready for the birthday party he had in the afternoon. I got this text from Ashley after she woke him up:
Me- Mac, rise and shine its time to get ready for your birthday party.
Mac- Before I get ready I have to save all the ant eaters.
Me- oh yeah.
Mac- Miss Ashley you just don’t understand, I am going to save the world today.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Mommy, Copey has spots!
No its not the chicken pox…thank goodness! The mosquitoes are rampant here and they love how my children taste. Coe was outside for less than 10min after his bath last week. He had on nothing but a diaper and the mosquitoes got a full meal off of him. Now he isn’t allowed outside for even 2 seconds without family friendly bug spray.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Check ups
This post is a little boring but I want to document the boys current growth stats so here goes.
At Coe’s 1yo check up back in March he was 31 inches (85% in height) and 25.4 lbs (90% in weight). I am never surprised by Coe’s weight percentage. He eats alot (see Food Makes Me Happy) so above average for weight is no shock. His length is always a little surprising to me though. Albi and I are both pretty average in height. Mac has always been and still remains right at 50th % for height. Coe on the other hand continues to be well above average. I keep thinking it is going to level off but so far he remains tall for his age.
The 15mo appointment was no different. Coe was 33 inches (95% in height) and 27.5 lbs (85% in weight). I asked Ms. Tavi (our all time favorite nurse practioner) if I needed to be concerned about Coe’s weight. I’m not one of those mom’s that is going to put her baby on a diet. We already eat fairly healthy, but I allow the boys to have sweets occasionally. I asked only because I keep reading articles about how many obese children we have in America. Ms. Tavi assured me that Coe is not obese and is in perfect proportion. She said since he is 95% in length we expect and want his weight to be in the same percentile range. Otherwise he would be considered underweight for his length. Whew guess I don’t have to worry about how to pry the food out of Coe’s hands just yet!
Coe had to get “the pin” (Mac started calling shots “getting the pin” as soon as he could talk) at his 15mo check-up. For all the parents out there who have taken their children for shots you know how horrible it is to look into those little unexpecting innocent eyes right before the nurse pokes them. I always hate this part of the appointment. Copeland got “the pin” three times at this appointment. He never cried once! Matter of fact he didn’t make a sound. He didn’t flinch and just seemed to stare at the nurse with a look that asked “what are you doing with that thing?” This was the easiest shot appointment I have to date.
Mac’s 4yr old check up was just as easy in large part because he didn’t have to get “the pin!” Mac is 40.75 inches (60% in height) and 37.5lbs (60% in weight). He remains average in size but definitely not in personality! This was the first appointment where Mac had to put on a hospital gown and have his eyes and ears checked. He passed both tests with flying colors and really loved getting to play with Ms. Tavi’s toys while she and I talked. I took a few pictures at Mac’s first big boy appointment.
As a reward for being good at the doctor’s office, Mac got some stickers and a smoothie after the appointment! As you can see from the charts, Mac remains about 50% for weight and height and Copeland is around 95% for height and about 85% for weight.
Team USA
Yesterday on the Today show they had a group of either 4 or 5 guys who took a picture together in 1982 when they were all in high school. Now every 5 years they all meet at the same spot and take the picture again. Kind of cool, right?
Well these guys have nothing on the cuties here! My sister and two of her dear friends had little girls within 6 weeks of one another and last week they took this photo as the girls all cheered on Team USA together! I told the moms that the girls needed to have their picture taken every 4 years in their Olympic gear and that would guarantee them a spot on the Today show by the time they are teenagers.
Can’t you see them in 4 years all wearing their leotards and doing the gymnastics pose with their arms high in the air. In 2020 maybe they will all have on their swimsuits ready to race for the gold. For that matter why just document their summer Olympic spirit. They need to recreate this photo op every 2 years. We may have some future Olympians on our hands…Olympics 2030 watch out! If nothing more, they will definitely be Olympic fans if their mommies have anything to say about it.
As much as I love Team USA, they aren’t nearly as cute as these 3. Go Team USA!
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Mac is the king of excuses lately. When he gets in trouble the excuses start. they come out very fast, very dramatic and are usually one very long run on sentence. Here are a few that were especially memorable:
1) The reason I was acting ugly is because you haven’t let me see baby Finley in two weeks and I just love her so much and when you don’t let me see her I get sad and act ugly.
2) The reason I was not listening to you is because I have never been fishing before and I really want to go fishing a catch a fish on that hook so I’m going to go tomorrow with Uncle Shaw, Aunt Heather, Madeline and the Mallory. Its going to be a really long journey but I need to go fishing.
This one is not technically an excuse but an explanation in advance of why he may not listen to what I have to say:
3) Daddy is the boss of you and you have to listen to daddy because he is taller than you. You guys argue when I go to timeout and you say I don’t have to go but it never works out. Daddy is in charge.
Best Friends
I moved to Pensacola when I was three, and soon after started in a 3 yr old pre-school class. Two of the girls I met in my class I’m still best friends with today – Britton and Laura. Britton and I only went to school with for that one year, yet we remained friends throughout elementary, middle, high school, college and now into adulthood. I was the maid of honor in her wedding and her son is my godson. Laura and I went to school together a few years longer (through about 3rd grade), but again remained friends throughout grade school, college and now as adults. Our children all go to preschool together now. I have wonderful childhood memories of spending the night with both these girls and playing dolls for hours and hours. They have been and always will be true friends.
True friends are hard to find, but I think Mac may have found one in Jack P. Anyone who knows Mac has heard about his best friend Jack P. He has always referred to him as Jack P. Not Jack. Not Jack Phillips. Just Jack P, and Jack P has always referred to Mac as Mac Gilmer. Every time they see each other they yell, “Mac Gilmer!” “Jack P!” Then they run full speed to one another and embrace (lately their father’s have been encouraging high fives instead of a full blown bear hug. I though love the innocence their bear hug!)
Jack P’s mommy and I have been friends for years, but hadn’t seen each other much until she moved back to Pensacola a few months before Jack was born. Mac and Jack were born 3 weeks apart and met for the first time at Britton’s baby shower.
We got the boys together a time or two the first few years, but as best I can recall their friendship began when they started 2yr old preschool together in the turtle class. It is impossible to explain the bond they have, but I truly believe Mac loves Jack like a brother. In the past two years with all the changes in likes and dislike of a 2, 3 and now 4 yr old boy, Mac has never waivered on who his best friend is – Jack P.
One of the first few weeks of preschool the teacher told us that Jack bumped his head really hard in the gym last week. He was crying and Mac ran over and put his arm around Jack and Jack cried on Mac’s shoulder. All the teachers were on the verge of tears at how sweet the boys were to each other at just 2 yrs old.
The boys first spent the night together at Christmas when they were 3 1/2. I thought Jack P’s mommy was crazy for inviting Mac over, but he made it all night and never once asked to come home. Since then the spend the night parties have continued successfully with a few very early morning wake-ups by Mac who is always anxious to start playing with Jack P as soon as “the sun is awake!”
The Mac and Jack stories could go on for days. Ranging from their affection towards one another – they have hugged and kissed each other more times than any of us want to count – to the countless times they have fought over a toy, where to sleep, whose leg was touching the other’s, what movie to watch, who was taller, etc. They truly act like brothers and are able to fight one minute and play together the next without ever missing a beat.
I quickly pulled some of my favorite Mac and Jack pictures for this post.
By far one of my all time favorite pictures. Best friends pee pee together!
Jack got Mac this toy for his birthday. Mac is obsessed with animals (and dinosaurs in particular). Jack loves cars and trucks. Jack was thrilled to find a toy that is “both our favorites” and Mac was just as thrilled to receive it!
So far the only year Mac and Jack were in school together was when they were two. After that Jack moved to another school. I worried they would grow apart when they didn’t see each other daily, but regular requests to play together, Sunday school and a few joint family vacations have kept the friendship alive.
Its fun to now watch Mac little brother (Copey) and and Jack’s little sister (Frances)become friends. Frances is the sweetest, cutest, little girl and she loves Coe. Now that she has shared her ice cream with him, he loves her too!
Thanks Lacy and Jeff for sharing your children with our family!