Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Our last day in Park City

Not sure why I snapped this first picture, but looking at it now has me laughing.  These two were truly best friends throughout the trip.  Coe wanted to do EVERYTHING Mac did.  Mac’s class, being a little older, had advanced more in ski school than Coe’s class.  {Coe’s teacher told me on day 2 that if Coe had been her only student they would have gotten to do a lot more, but I wasn’t ready to pay for private lessons just yet!}.  So on the final day {everyone’s favorite day} when we all skied together as a family, Coe tried to copy every trick Mac did.  Mac was a self proclaimed daredevil and did his best to hit every little bump, jump and dip on the edges of the runs.  We weren’t doing full tree runs by any means, but he did manage to go around a few small trees on the edge of the run.  Coe quickly caught on to the fun Mac was having and followed in his ski trails.  Albi and I watched the boys eyes grow with excitement when they would get air from a jump {don’t worry mom we are talking inches here, not feet!} and then quickly change to momentary panic as they steadied themselves back on the snow.  Coe loved to refer to Mac as the big daredevil and himself as the regular daredevil. 

As Coe teacher had warned, turns were not his favorite thing.  I tried to make him ski directly behind me so I could force him to turn as he followed my tracks, but it never failed he would fall and be unable to get back up.  Coe isn’t big on exerting himself when he knows his mommy will sidestop up the mountain to lift him back to his feet {What can I say?  He is my baby!}.  The one thing I really wanted the whole trip was a good family pic of all of us in our ski gear.  As luck would have it, when we got off the chair lift for our first run of the morning, the mountain photographer was setting up for photos.  Albi and the boys agreed to stop and take pictures as long as I didn’t make them stop for photos the rest of the day.  I quickly agreed and {for the most part} held up to my end of the deal for the rest of the day.  We videoed the kids a ton with the iPhone and GoPro but I did manage to snap a picture or two of them when I could.  At the end of the day Mac wanted to do a few blue runs with Albi, so Coe and I planned to head in once we got to the bottom of the mountain.  When I told Coe our skiing was over until the next trip he begged and begged for us to do one more run.  Two runs later as the chair lifts were closing Coe and I called it a day.  Albi and Mac were right behind us, and we all headed to our 2nd favorite activity in Park City – the hot tub!

The next morning we had a farily ealry flight home and no one was excited to leave.  Four months later the boys still bring up the ski trip often.  I hope we have a lot more family ski trips in our future! 




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