Coe: Mommy, Mac just kicked me in the penis
Me: I’m sorry. You two need to be careful.
Coe: It hurts, and I need you to kiss it.
Me: (Speechless)
Mac and Coe were talking about ages.
Albi: Coe how old do you think I am
Coe: 50
(I snicker)
Albi: how old do you think mommy is
Coe (with no hesitation): 55
(Very loud snicker from Albi)
*Why I love my MIL – When I told her this story she quickly explained that Coe’s response meant he thought I was better than Albi. She said when Albi was little he thought whoever was the oldest was the best. Shaw was older and always claimed to be better. Fil was a few years younger than his sister, and Albi could not understand why as he thought his daddy was the best and must be the oldest. I’m going with this explanation as it is much cheaper than running out to get Botox and plastic surgery!
Coe: Mommy I don't wuv (love) you I wittle (little). I wuv (love) you way too much!
After listening to I’m Proud to be an American by Lee Greenwood about 100 times on the 4th of July, Mac asked about 100 Qs…
What is an American? What is the USA? Where do we live? Who died for us? Why? Why did the soldier have to fight for us? What is freedom? Who doesn’t like us? Why did we have to fight? What things is he not going to have tomorrow? Why? Why? Why?
I better closely censor what he hears…