Monday, April 1, 2013

Happy Birthday Deeda and Easter egg hunt!

Wow, it was a crazy busy weekend, but it sure was fun!  We started Friday night with a celebration of Deeda’s birthday.  We were celebrating a day early since we knew Saturday was going to be a whirlwind.  Albi did a great job cooking steaks on the grill and Mac helped G make a lemon cake.  The boys loved signing to Deeda and especially enjoyed blowing out the candles. IMG_7499 IMG_7503

The next morning daddy and Deeda went to play golf since it was Deeda’s real birthday and G and I met Yaya and the Country Club’s annual Easter egg hunt.  I had high hopes that this year it would be better because they moved the location to the tennis center where there is a lot more room and less risk of being hit by a stray golf ball!  Unfortunately I was quickly disappointed when I saw all the eggs roped off in 3 very small quadrants with the 2 and under section on the opposite side of the tennis center from the 3-4yr old area.   Oh well, Coe did just fine grabbing the eggs that were laying out in the open of the 4yr old quadrant. 

We did get a few cute pictures, and the boys had fun during the 25sec egg hunt!  It was good to see a lot of our friends, but we couldn’t stay long because we had to head home from Coe’s nap before the much anticipated 2yr old birthday party! 


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*It will be interesting to see if changes are made tot he PCC egg hunt for 2014.  Based on the number of grumblings out right complaints I heard from the parents this year, I would expect it to get better.  Then again we have been going to this event for 4 years and there haven’t been a whole lot of improvements yet!  At least I get a picture of the boys with the Easter bunny without having to stand in line at the mall!

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