Sunday, February 10, 2013

Mystic Maids Ball

Its Mardi Gras season around here and that means balls and parades.  Last weekend Albi and I got dressed up and headed to the Mystic Maids balls.  Our evening started a little rough since Mac was under the weather, so we stayed home later than planned and got him to sleep, skipped our pre-party and went straight to the ball.  The ball was a lot of fun even though the music was so loud that we spent the majority of the night outside – are we really getting that old?!?!

Forrest and I both rented dresses from Rent the Runway, and it was a great experience that I highly recommend.  I will definitely do it again.  Forrest didn’t like her dress, but since I rented one and liked it, she wore my back up dress.  Mom had bought us masks in New Orleans months ago, but Forrest forgot to bring hers so it was just me in the other the top mask!  There is something about a mask/costume that always makes things more fun! 

These pictures were all taken with iPhones so the quality is well…phone quality.  Oh well, at least we got a few pictures!   IMG_2904  IMG_2886 IMG_2887IMG_2891 IMG_2892 IMG_2893

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