Ever since Mac was born, my mom has kept him one day a week. Which helps me cut down on childcare expenses and also give Mac (and now Coe too) a fun day out of the house to look forward to every week. I know first hand how energetic and physically draining Mac and Coe can be and there are plenty of times after keeping the boys all day that Yaya is worn out and probably wonders if she has taken on too much (especially the first year after Coe was born!). Now that Copeland is a little older and Mac is in school half the day, they seem to have a pretty good routine. Since Forrest has been on maternity leave, she and Finley often join the boys for “Wednesdays with Yaya.” Forrest sent me a few pictures last Wednesday.
This is the first picture we have gotten of Yaya with all three grandchildren!
Finley was trying out her bumbo for the first time and afterwards Coe thought he would take a turn. The boys both LOVE their baby cousin. When Finely was leaving Mac ran to the door to stop Aunt Forrest. He leaned over Finley’s car seat, gave her a kiss and said “Finley you are the sweetest and prettiest little girl ever.” Think he has heard us say that a few times?
This is where I often find Mac when I get to the house to pick him up. He waits all day for Coste to come home so they can watch animal fights on the computer. Mac names two animals (i.e. bear vs wildebeast) and Coste searches youtube for their choices. Despite numerous requests from Mac, the rest of the family doesn’t know how to find these videos, so this is something only Coste gets to do with Mac :) This is their special time together and helps to give Yaya a little break at the end of the day! Coe is catching on that Coste’s chair is a pretty cool place to hang out even though he would much rather watch cars than animals!
This week Mac was proud to show off the fences he had built to keep all his animals separated. Of course the animals were each specifically placed in a particular cage. Some had “food” in their cages while others were given “toys/tools” to play with. Him imagination was on overload with this project and thankfully Copeland didn’t mess with Mac’s “order” too much.
Yaya wasn’t the only one worn out at the end of the day!
I actually took this picture on Wednesday morning before we left for Yaya’s. Mac was carrying Duke around so of course Copeland had to have his dog too. Mac wanted a picture with their dogs.
Mac even got to take Duke to school with his this week for show and tell day. He was so excited to tell his class about his dog. I wonder how much longer the stuffed dogs are going to be sufficient pets. We keep telling Mac he can have a dog when he goes to college so every few weeks he asks me how much longer until he goes to college!
Last but not least, Coe’s new favorite riding toy. He loves to sit back and have someone push him all around the house. On this particular day he wanted to take all his animals with him on the ride. (Thanks Miss Katie for sending me this picture while I was at work. It is always a fun treat to pick up my phone and see this smiling face!)
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