I’m still trying to catch up from two weeks ago so I can move on to all the pictures and stories I have from this past weekends trip to Blue Lake. I’m almost there.
Two weekends ago was beach house family “BHF” dinner. There are four families in the group consisting of 8 adults and 9 children. We all rent a beach house together one weekend a year for a weekend of total chaos and amazing fun. Throughout the year we try to get together as often as everyone’s schedule permits for “BHF” dinner. Last weekend was one of those nights. The Phillips were out of town, but Jack P was spending the night with us so he represented his family at the dinner. The kids had a great time running while while Ansley and Eliza “supervised.”
I always leave BHF dinners slightly frazzled from all the chaos, yet completely content and happy from talking to friends who are in the same spot in life that my family of 4 is in. We all relate to one another, and we all know how to still have a good time when 9 kids are running through the house playing chase and signing songs at the top of their lungs. May sound chaotic (and it is) but it is our life!
On the way home from dinner, Albi and I were telling Mac and Jack P. that it was late so there was only time for one story before bed. We heard Mac say to Jack P, “Jack, since we can only read one book we are going to read the Bible. Don’t worry you will like it. Its really good and cool!” This made my heart happy. We have a children’s bible that we have never consistently read to Mac, but a few weeks ago we started reading the stories one by one. He LOVES doing this at night and it is a (somewhat) quiet time that he and I enjoy together.
The next night we had dinner at another friends’ house. Their kids are a little older than ours, so I was nervous about bringing the boys, but our friends were insistent. It turned out to be great. Mac really took to their son who patiently played animals with him, and their middle daughter was a perfect babysitter for Coe.
On Sunday night I found both the boys in picture perfect opportunities. First Copeland had climbed into his rocking chair and was reading to himself which I found precious.
Next I found Mac in his bed playing animals. In typical Mac fashion, he was an animal himself and had a hat to prove it. Later that night I found him asleep with his toothbrush. He had told me earlier he was going to sleep with it because it lit us and would protect him from bad guys.
Last but not least a picture of the boys that mom took when they went with her to pick out our pumpkins. I use the plural form of pumpkins because the boys did not come home with one or even two pumpkins but instead fourteen pumpkins in an array of sizes and colors. That is what happens when your mom is a decorator! I have to say my fall decorations look great (pictures of that to come in a future post!). Thanks mom!
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