#campingintheyard #testrun #newtent #smores #boardgames #the3yoneedsalotmoretestruns #everyoneinrealbedsnow #mommynotreadytogiveupagoodnightssleep
It doesn't happen nearly as often (used to be all day everyday) but occasionally I still find him with his basket of animals. #somethingsneverchange #onewiththeanimals #imaginativeplay
It's a chilly morning for these FL boys. They were so happy to wear hats and gloves to school. #wonderwhatwillactuallymakeithome #doubttheyhave4glovesafterschool
They jumped between being army men to playing with their plastic army men. They had USA and Germany vs Japan and England. #haventlearnedWWIIhistoryyet. #imaginativeplay #gilmerboys2015
Serious game of army going on when I got home. #imaginativeplay #slowdowntime #gilmerboys2015
I took the boys to a new place called Smallcakes last Friday for a treat after school. On the way to school today mac drew this and handed it to me. #itsthesmallthingsinlifethatcount #firstpichehasdrawnwithoutafootballplayersinceAugust #boymom
Aaron made partner!
Was practicing using my flash for my photography class and caught Mac in action. He and Coe were playing Power Rangers. #GoGoPowerRangers #gilmerboys2015
My baby may have a fever but he looks pretty perfect to me. #advilworksmiracles #letshopeitlaststhroughthenight #finallylearninghowtousemyflash
No fever for Coe and great report card for Mac calls for a bacon and egg breakfast! {still working on my #flashphotography #needmorepractice
Friends and Electronics
So proud of my partner Aaron for receiving the Living the Dream award tonight. He is truly an inspiration, and I'm so proud of him. #mymentee #partners #levinpapantonio
#anotheronebitesthedust #24hrfevervirus #nocircusforhimtoday
These two...#bestfriends and occasionally #worstenemies. Not sure what they liked more the circus act or sharing cotton candy and a snowcone. #circus #surgarhigh #neverendswell
New corner office! #levinpapantonio #roomwithaview #workinprogress by my decorator @lindabliberis
MLK parade #levinpapantonio #hitbyacar.com
Dress like your favorite ice cream flavor. #eds #mintchocolatechip And yes he had a bite before school!
So he does know how to write neatly…#willkeepthisinmind
Dress like your favorite ice cream flavor. #eds #mintchocolatechip And yes he had a bite before school!
First basketball game! #gohornets
Happy 40th Birthday Stephanie!
If I lived to be 100... #100thdayofschool #eds We used an entire bottle of grey hair paint. Still couldn't cover all the red #redheadsdontturngrey
Loving my new rug from Duh! Slowly getting rid of all the red. Thanks @lindabliberis for the perfect find!
#Pierettes #clownsuits #PensacolaMardiGras2015
Another fun day of basketball. #gohornets #winningstreak @lacyphillipsdesigns