Thursday, April 3, 2014

Spring Break 2014 – Disney Cruise Part 2

Although we didn’t get off the boat when it stopped in Nassau, we were one of the first families off at Castaway Cay – Disney’s private island.  It was extremely windy the day we were there but we made the best of it and enjoyed the time on the beach, playing in the water and taking a few pictures with our favorite characters in their beach gear!  In true Disney fashion no detail was forgotten, and the Island was perfectly set up for families with kids of all ages. 

In the early afternoon the dark clouds rolled in and the threat of rain was obvious.  We (and everyone else on the island) ran to get back on the boat and before we knew it the boys were in their bed taking a much needed nap before pirate night began! 

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These light up swords were a huge hit at the beach and later on during pirate night.  I bought them prior to going on the trip for super cheap, and I got what I paid for.  They lasted less than 24 hours (I’m sure the sand in them didn’t add to their longevity), but they worked for the pirate festivities which is all that mattered. 

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Snorkeling is harder than it looks! 



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Pirate night on the boat is a big deal.  Almost everyone dresses up (even the adults) and some people really go all out.  The boys LOVED being pirates and participating in all the activities.  They even chose to skip the show that evening (it was a magic show and although super cool I figured it might not hold their attention for a full hour) and go to  the pirate activities in the Oceaneers Club.  After the adults went to the magic show we picked up our pirates and headed to see Mickey for a quick picture and then the pool deck for Mickey’s live pirate show.  Needless to say the boys loved it.  Then it was off to dinner followed by Captain Sparrow’s pirate show and fireworks!  It was a late night and everyone fell into their beds when we finally got back to the room.  

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The last day was a day at sea. We tried to do everything “one last time” and Coe cried when we told him he had to say bye bye to “Memo”.  After a full day of swimming, eating and playing in the Oceaneers Club, G and I took the boys to play Goofy golf on the top deck.  We watched the final show at the theatre, took our last pictures with Mickey and the gang and ate our last dinner with our fine wait staff.  The boys each picked out 2 souvenirs from the gift shop (pirate swords and telescopes!) and we headed back to the room for our last night in the bunk beds.  We were all sad to leave the next day, but we will definitely be back. 

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Its now been two weeks and Coe still asks about every other day if we can go back to the Disney cruise to see memo and ride the yellow slide.  He even told me that he had money in his piggy bank to pay for the trip!  If his $1.75 would cover the trip I would take him tomorrow.  We will be back though.  That’s a promise! 


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