Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Funny words

Coe cracks me up with some of the things he says and the looks he gives.  He has a new side smile he gives quite often.  My father in law says I do the same thing.  Somehow I’m not thinking I look as cute when I do it :)  


He also has a habit of combining two words into one:

stummy = stomach and tummy

Muddle = mud puddle

Blanklet = not really two words just a funny way of referring to his blanket


And he has a few phrases that although not unusual, sound funny coming from a 2.5 yr old

What you talkin about?

You have got to be kidding me

That's what I'm talkin about


The conversation below is one we have now had for the past several nights…

Coe: Can we read a book in my room

Me: No we just read two books in Mackey's room. It's time for bed.

Coe: But I want to read this book myself.

Me: You can read it to yourself but I'm not reading anymore books (handing him the book)

Coe: (opens to first page) I need you to tell me the words

Me: If I tell you the words then I'm reading the book, and I told you no more books tonight .

Coe: (very exasperated): noooo I'm reading the book but I don't know the words so I need you to tell me them!

My baby is growing up and I’m trying to freeze time.  As long as he continues to let me rock him before I put him in his baby bed I will hold on to his baby side.  Coe just may stat kindergarten still in a crib.  As long as he is potty trained by then I won’t care!  {Our potty training attempts are a post all of their own!}  

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

winter fun

I have a bunch of pics from November and December that for one reason or another never made it into a blog post.  I still wanted to share if for no reason other than I want these in my 2013/2014 photo book!

First up – Over Thanksgiving (yes I’m that behind!) the boys and I picked up Aunt Forrest and Finley and drove down to Tuscaloosa to see our cousin Saige and her sweet family.  They came to visit Nana and Granddaddy for the holiday and since they live in Pennsylvania it was a treat to see them in person as opposed to the instagram photos and occasional emails we normally exchange!  The boys loved playing with Floyd and hopefully we will get to meet his new little sister, Hazel, once she makes her debut in March!  IMG_4175 IMG_4178 IMG_4180 IMG_4181 IMG_4183 IMG_4192 IMG_4194 IMG_4196

One of my favorite pics of Miss Katie and the boys!  We sure do love this girl!!!


Can’t even remember what Albi and I had going on this long ago, but the boys went to Papou and Gigi’s to spend the night.  They had a blast! 

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The whole family enjoyed Miss Tabatha and Mr. Lance’s wedding where Miss Katie was a bridesmaid.  My pictures are horrible b/c I only had my phone with me and it was about to die so I couldn’t use it much.  Not to mention I think I might have the oldest iPhone ever which takes horrible pictures!  oh well, we had a great time and trust me when I say the boys danced the night away!

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Back to Papou and Gigi’s where Miss Emma came over to play.  I was told that Coe really wanted to play with Emma, but she only had eyes for Mac :)

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Last but not least, Mac and his chapel buddy Jay.  I love that EDS pairs all the Kindergarteners with a 7th grade chapel buddy. Jay meets Mac in class every Wednesday morning and then walks with him to chapel where they sit together for the service.  I’m not sure if this is more to help the Kindergarteners behave or the teenagers :)  Either way, Mac LOVES it.  His only initial complaint was that Jay was an AU fan and he therefore was not going to invite him to his birthday party.  {I’m sure Jay is grateful that he won’t be included in the 6yr old’s festivities!} Mac has since gotten over their football differences, and instead thinks it is so cool that he is “friends” with a 7th graders. 

Thanks Jay for tolerating my child.  You are one of his idols so don’t mess up :) 


Sunday, January 19, 2014


Don’t let my lack of pictures from New Years Eve indicate we didn’t we have a fun night.  Actually just the opposite…we had a GREAT night!  A group of us have gotten together with our kids for the past 5 years or so and although there are a few new faces and a few missing faces each year, the celebration remains the same.  Until this year we had done ever NYE at our house.  This year though the Belsingers insisted on hosting, and I saw no need to put up a fight!  It was nice to just show up with a salad and a bottle of wine after spending the day running a few errands and relaxing at the house. 

The kids were wild as usual and unfortunately the weather did not allow them to run off their energy outside.  Instead I’m pretty sure they destroyed the upstairs of the Belsingers house.  {Laura if my kids broke anything send me a bill!}  There were a few tears, lots of screams and even more laughing…from the kids and the adults! 

Coe and Frances tired out first, but after putting on Nick Jr in Mrs. Laura and Mr. Tosh’s bed they settled into a nice quiet trance.  Until they managed to lock themselves in the bedroom {not to worry Tosh climbed through the window!} and then there was the moment when one of them broke the leg off a table {still not sure which one did that} and the NYE kiss…Bottom line they survived the evening.  Not sure I can say the same for Laura’s bedroom {Laura, I guess you better send me that bill!}

Another break from tradition, was the hour of our departure.  Generally kids start melting down and everyone leaves around 9, but this year found us dragging some pretty amped up kids in the house around 11pm.  Oops!  Here’s to ending 2013 with some great friends.  I know 2014 will bring a lot more fun times with these same people!

  IMG_5506ps IMG_5514 IMG_5515*surprisingly none of us planned the matching t-shirts.  All the kids just happened to show up in their favorite “Pensacola shirts” from Bluetique!

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Friday, January 10, 2014

Christmas in Birmingham

Christmas in Birmingham could have been better but not by much.  The only thing missing was Shaw’s family :(  They were in Birmingham for Christmas day, but had to leave on the 26th since Mallory was scheduled for surgery on her arm.  It was a last minute surgery call, so there was no way for us to all alter plans and find a way to be together.  The boys were very confused as to why Madeline and Mallory weren’t at G’s house, but I promised them we would go to Atlanta soon for a full family gathering.  {Watch out Shaw and Heather.  We may show up for Easter!} 

Thankfully Aunt Abbie, Uncle Barry and Jake made the trek back to G and Deeda’s for a belated Christmas with the Gilmer boys, and of course G and Aunt Abbie had a million presents for them to open!  Even though it was technically the 4th time the boys were getting to open Christmas presents with family, you would have thought it had been months since they had received a new toy.  They were beyond excited with everything they opened!       

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Since we had a few days in Birmingham and the weather was cold and rainy, we headed to the McWayne Center for some indoor fun.  The boys wore their new pullovers from Aunt Heather. Coe quickly proclaimed, “We are soooooo handsome!”

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I also thought they looked pretty cute heading to the park in their new sweat suits despite the wet hair from the shower! 


Birmingham was a great end to the 2013 Christmas holidays, but I wonder if Coe had a few too many present opening experiences.  The following conversation took place on New Year’s Day.

Coe: we got to hurry and go to bed so Santa can come

Me: baby Santa already came

Coe: yea but I want him to come again

Me: well he won't be back for a year. Christmas is over

Coe (in the most pitiful voice ever): noooooooooo! I want presents!!!!!

Coe didn’t fully grasp the concept of Santa until Christmas morning.  He has been counting down the days until next Christmas since then!  349 days to go…