Friday, August 16, 2013

Kids say the darndest things


A day or two after Mac came home from G’s he wanted to rock Coe to sleep and for some reason I can no longer remember I had to tell him no that I was going to do it.  He said…

I've been rocking him {Coe} for like 5yrs and I leave town for 2 days and this is what happens?  Whatever!


While in Birmingham

Deeda: Mac scoot over G needs some room

Mac: she likes to be close to me. She's my kind of girl.


G: I bet your mommy and daddy are really missing you.        

Mac: Nah, they probably like the break because I never stop talking and I ask a lot of question.


Day 3 of Kindergarten

Me: no carline today. We are going to park b/c mommy has a mtg

Mac: well you aren't walking me to class b/c I'm not scared

Me: what?

Mac: let's just do carline

Me: but I have a mtg at your school so I have to go inside too

Mac: fine but you have to go in a different door than me

Me: I'll just do carline :(



I’m never ever never gonna play wit you again.  I probably hear this at least once a day, and on the weekends its more like 5-10 times a day.  Pretty much anyone who ever says “No” to Coe is going to hear this and then see…

mad face

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He loves pretending to be a Power Ranger, and repeats one line from the movie over and over again:

Fireblaster, POW! (while pretending to throw something at his target)

Coe is also a parrot.  Anything Mac says, he says. and apparently anything I say, he also repeats.

{Text from Kay Kay}

Coe: I don’t want to hear another word! (with lots of authority and attitude)

Katie: Excuse me?!?!

Coe (laughing): Kay Kay laugh with me!

At night before bed, Coe gets his paci and Bs, and I rock him.  If I give him a kiss goodnight while he has his paci in, he always starts laughing, pulls his paci out and says, “not with my paci with me lips.” Yes, I purposely kiss that paci as often as I can just to see him get tickled!

Finally my all time favorite thing Coe says when he wants me to pick him up is: I need to hold you, mommy! I never correct him.  He will correct himself one day, and it will be just another reminder that he is growing up way to fast. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

where’s Mac?

The week before school started Albi and Mac drove to Montgomery to meet G and Deeda, so Mac could go home with them for the week.  Copeland was a mix of emotions the whole time Mackey was gone.  He started off confused, then sad, then mad and finally a happy/sad mix. 

Before Mac left they made sure to give lots of hugs, and then Coe and I waived bye bye as daddy and Mac pulled off.  Coe asked to go with them, but when he found out I wasn’t going he was perfectly fine staying home with me.  When Albi got home 5+ hours later without Mac is when the confusion set in.  Coe immediately asked where Mac was. “G’s house, remember?”  “I wanna see him!” which he said in the sweetest most pitiful little voice.  Thankfully he had Finnie to play with and quickly got over his brother’s absence.  When rocking him later that night he kept asking where Mac was and if we could do a video of Mac so he could see him.  I promised we would face time the next day.

When Coe got up the next morning (and every morning for the next 4 days) the first thing he said was "where's Mac?" I reminded him (for the 100th time) that he was at G's house. Coe said "let's go get him!"  Thankfully after a breakfast bar and yogurt and getting to pick the morning show to watch on tv (a rare occurrence for him!) he quickly forgot about his big brother :)

Mac had a great time in Birmingham.  He went to DeSoto Caverns (HUGE hit with Mac!), the BHM zoo, and spent lots of time in the pool.  G sent me some pics of their adventures.

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Mac made is home safely after 5 days in BHM and Copeland was very happy {for about 5 min} to restore order to our family.  G and Deeda stayed for the weekend so we spent Saturday at the beach as a belated birthday celebration for G!  I let Coe skip his nap, and both boys did surprisingly well the whole day.  The waves were rough and the undertow strong but they had a great time playing at the water’s edge and “chasing” the waves. 

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{I’m working on some new photography skills – the last 3 photos I was trying to freeze motion – so hopefully my photos will improve in the coming weeks/months :) }

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


I survived the first day {so did Mac!}.  It was a great first day.  Everyone up early.  Took first day pics.  Made it to school on time.  Navigated through the car line. And no one cried until the back car door shut.  Then I lost it.  Mac on the other hand never looked back.  I would call the day a success!

We met Mac’s teacher – Mrs. Slay – yesterday at orientation.  Isn’t she just adorable?!?!  We forgot to get a picture with the assistant teacher, Mrs. LeMaster, so we will have to do that soon.  


All grown up and ready to go!  He insisted on wearing his belt today and tucking in his shirt even though the dress code is loosened a little for the first few months of kindergarten.  {he came home with no belt on and his shirt untucked.  Oh well at least he started the day right!}


I was trying to take a picture as he was quickly being yanked out of my car and rushed to his class by a total stranger greeted by the principal and escorted to class by a volunteer.  Hard to see through my tears, so I did the best I could while driving off and trying to avoid hitting any of the other 8 million kids and parents who were wandering everywhere.  IMG_4995

One of the mom’s in Mac’s class snuck in and took a few pics as school was starting this morning.  She sent me this to brighten my day and reassure me that Mac was doing just fine!


My sweet mommy sent me this note and flowers to the office today.  Was everyone more worried about me or Mac surviving?  Either way we both made it and we are now both exhausted.  It will be an early bedtime for us tonight.  

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Friday, August 9, 2013


Snips and snails and puppy dog tails…and FROGS.  That is what little boys are made of or at least obsessed with at my house!  While friends were over to play last weekend, the boys found {and captured} a bunch of frogs.  Everyone got a turn to hold them and let them jump around on their arms before devouring some watermelon.  I’d like to say they all washed their hands before eating the watermelon, and I’m pretty sure that would be an accurate statement.  What I can’t say is that they didn’t go pick up another frog between the hand washing and watermelon eating.  What can I say?  They are boys and there is only so much I can control! 


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Monday, August 5, 2013

July iPhone and Instagram photos

new haircut.  #keepingitlong(er)


New Birmingham Chuck-e-cheese with G!

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Steel pops with Birmingham friends.  They had a million different flavors and of course Mac picked Vanilla! 

IMG_4657Learned 25 #sightwords so he gets to watch the first #starwars movie.  #proudmommy #heissohappy #hardworkpaysoff


Loving my new dining room chadelier.  Thanks mom and Lacy for making me buy it!  


Beginning of the Kindergarten 5yr old check-up


#5yroldshots #3pins #nothappy #mommycriedtoo


#postshotstreat #muchhappier #froyomakesitbetter


31 sight words = #starwars 2! #neverbeenhappier


Doesn’t know any sight words but still getting to watch #starwars.  #notageappropriate #benefitsofbeingtheyoungerbrother




Coloring with his Nana


#joysofsummer #watermelon and #backyardwatertoys

photo 5

Thanks Jack P for letting me borrow this costume!  #bestfriends #lovesstarwars #stormtrooper



photo 1

Mommy let us have push up pops after swimming!

photo 2

photo 3 

One of us is ready for Kindergarten.  #itsnotmommy #uniformsherewecome

photo 4