Friday, June 21, 2013

I got this

Every night after we read stories together we ask the boys who they want to tuck them in.  I’m really not sure why we do this because in the end Copeland demands me 99% of the time.  Mac goes back and forth, but by default he ends up with Albi because I have Coe.  When Coe doesn’t really want to go to bed yet, he will ask for Albi or anyone else who is at the house because he has caught on that they will go through the full bedtime routine with him and then he can cry and cry for mommy and start the routine over. 

I know we sound like morons for falling for Copeland’s manipulation, but we keep thinking maybe just maybe he will get past his night time obsession attachment (secretly I don’t mind if he keeps the attachment a little longer)! 

Last weekend before naptime and then again before bed, Copeland chose a new person to put him to bed – Mac!  The first time Mac looked at me and said “don’t worry mom.  I got this!”  The second time he actually asked Coe if he could rock him and put him to bed.   Mac sang the songs I always sing to Coe, patted his back and made sure Copey’s head was on his shoulder.  It was really the cutest moment ever!  And Copey allowed me to pick him up out of Mac’s lap and put him in his bed without having to start the whole bedtime routine over – something that generally doesn’t happen.  I guess we know that Mac is a good substitute if I’m not available!



The downside upside to Mac rocking and signing to his little brother is that he now requests I come in his room and do the same with him after I get Coe in bed. Its funny holding my 5yr old in my lap and rocking him in bed, but I secretly love every minute of it.  He wasn’t much on snuggling as a toddler so I will take my cuddles whenever I can get them. 


  1. love love love this story! it has been so fun watching anabelle & emilymae starting to truly enjoy each other and i know your boys have so many moments of the same. well done, momma! xo
