I cannot believe Mac only has 5 days left at LEP. It is definitely bitter sweet. I’m so proud of how much he has learned and grown the past three years, and I can’t wait to see what Episcopal Day School has to bring. Lord, please don’t let them kick him out the first week :)
A few of my treasures from Mom’s for Muffins. I have to brag on Mac a little (because isn’t that what mom’s do best!). All the kids “My mom” stories were hanging around the room for us to see when we came for Mom’s for Muffins. Mac’s was the ONLY one that was 2 pages long. his teacher told me after the program that for the first time in her 26 years of teaching she had to record what Mac said about me b/c he was talking so fast and had so much to say she couldn’t keep up or remember it all!
The teachers put together a video of the whole class with activities and pictures from the entire year. I had to hold back tears during the entire video. I still can’t believe my baby is {almost} finished with pre-school :(
Mac was very excited when he saw his cheering section at the VPK recognition program – mommy, daddy and Yaya.
We are really going to miss Ms. Debbie and Ms. Kathy.
Bye Bye Fish Class. Bye Bye LEP. Hello Kindergarten!
I love pretty much everything about this post; except for the KINDERGARTEN thing! What?! I thought it was just yesterday when Susan and I came to visit a newborn Mac??? What great kids you have - good job!