Friday, October 28, 2016

Sky Zone

The new “jumpy” place in Pensacola is a BIG hit!  I took 5 kiddos to jump for a one hour session and we ran in to a ton of other friends while we were there.  The kids could have jumped all day but I was exhausted from chasing them around. I wish I had their energy! 


Daddy’s Home

In August Albi went to Malysia for work for 10 days.  It was the longest we have been away from daddy since before he and I were married.  After 10 {very long days for mommy!} daddy was finally on his way home.  The boys made posters and we got to the airport early to make sure we were there to welcome him home.  I think daddy was just as happy to see us as we were to see him!  


Tuesday, October 25, 2016

1st Day of School

Even though most of Mac’s best friends were in the other 3rd grade class, he was super excited to find out he had the new male teacher.  Three months later, Mr. Young is still a big hit at our house!  Coe also got a teacher who was new to the school but not new to teaching, Mrs. Banfell and her assistant teacher, Ms. Stephens.  Both are also amazing.  Fin got Coe’s former K4 teacher and we were all super excited to keep Mrs. Cagle in the family for another year!

Of course on the first morning of school Mac set his alarm but was awake and dressed before it ever went off.  Coe on the other hand never heard his alarm go off and was sleeping soundly long past Mac’s comfort zone!
