After two years of begging, I finally got to keep Finley overnight at our house. Forrest and Ed, along with Yaya and Coste, were going to a wedding in Seaside, so Aunt Rach and the Gilmer boys swooped in to keep my favorite youngest niece!
I had a baby shower to go to Saturday morning so Finley tagged along. She was a perfect angel at the party. Quite different from taking two loud, messy, talkative boys somewhere. On our way home from the shower we stopped by to see Papou and Gigi and then we picked up Mac and Coe from the Country Club. In the car the kids sang and danced to Sweet Home Alabama in preparation for the big game against LSU that evening. On the way Mac got invited to a friends house, so we dropped him off and then headed home for Finley and Coe to nap. I actually had about 1.5 hours of total silence and alone time. I NEVER get that. I decided I had the three kid thing down pat! Then we had a minor issue with Finley taking off her own dirty diaper when she was supposed to be sleeping, but it was nothing duct tape didn’t fix!
Later we went to a friends to watch the AL game, home for bed {a little late!}, and then up for church the next morning with time to spare to snap a few pics. Finley ate more sugar in 36 hours with me than she has probably eaten in 2 years with her mom and dad, but an aunt has to do what an aunt has to do to ensure her status as the favorite. Plus who says 3 petit fours in one day is too many?!?!
I’d say our weekend with Fin was a HUGE success and we can’t wait to do it again. Three kids is fun, but I was ok giving one back by Sunday afternoon. I tried to give Forrest and Ed one of the boys in hopes of creating a little more balance at my house, but they declined. Can’t imagine why! Love you sweet Fin Fin.