Most of Vacation (part 1 of 2) was pictures of the boys and all the fun they had at the lake. For the record, Albi and I had a great time as well! Albi rode everything there was to ride behind the boat. His strength and endurance was tested by our extremely athletic nieces!

According to my sister in law, Heather, who has known Albi since high school, he used to be a master tuber. Thankfully Albi recognized that he is not quite as young as he was in his high school and college days, and he didn’t try his patented old school moves on the tube! He was still able to wakeboard but admitted that his legs felt like jelly after a few minutes.

Since I tell stories about everyone else on the blog, I guess it is only fair if I tell of my own mishaps as well. After everyone else on the boat rode the lulu tube, Shaw asked if I wanted to try. Albi announced to the boat that he didn’t really think tubing was my thing. Was that a challenge? Albi said no, but I took it as such and I jumped right in to ride the lulu. For those who have never been on a lulu (I would imagine that is most people reading this blog!) it is a small oval tube that attaches to the boat rope by some type of rotating ball device to the bottom of the tube. If you can get it going the tube will spin 360 degrees. If you lose control the tube will get up on its side and spin. My first try was successful and quite fun. I spun quite a few times and managed to hang on for dear life. I finally flew off but decided I would do one more ride. My second ride was apparently quite entertaining for the boat. I spun and I spun and I spun and then the lulu ended up on its side and I continued to spin until I flew off the tube, through the air and landed face first back in the water. I thought I had knocked out all the teeth on my right side but I came up teeth in tact, a bit of a headache and the wind slightly knocked out of me. I did not ride another tube that day.
Later that night I was washing my face and noticed that I had a blue bruise developing along the right side of my nose. By the morning I had a good bruise above my right eye to match the one now going down my face. I think Albi was more impressed with my tubing skills and toughness after he saw the bruises on my face! (It has now been 12 days since my lulu experience and today is the first day I do not have a noticeable bruise on my face.) Albi did not manage to get any pics of me on the lulu that were in focus and by choice I did not take any pictures of my battle wounds!
Albi and I rode the regular tube together the following day. The water was al ittle rougher. As much fun as the tube was, I learned that bracing my legs in front of me and under Albi was not good for him when we hit a wave and my legs flew up. Sorry Albi!

Poppy (M&M’s other grandfather) built a huge campfire so we could roast marshmallows. Mac like the idea of roasting but ate about two bits of his smores and was finished. Copeland on the other hand would have eaten marshmallows all night if I had let him

Being on/in the water all day made for hungry boys throughout the day and tired boys at the end of the day. Mac was so excited that Aunt Heather had “blue” cereal! He has asked me several times since the trip if I can please buy him colored cereal…maybe next time we are on vacation.

The last morning before we left I decided to see if I could still get up on skis. I hadn’t done it since probably high school, but after two failed attempts I did it! It was fun but definitely required more strength than I remembered. I’m convinced that if I hadn’t been doing the insanity workouts for the past two months I would not have had the arm strength to get up or the quad endurance to stay up!

I have wonderful nieces and great in-laws. Thanks M&M for being so helpful with the boys and thanks Shaw and Heather for opening your lake house up to us. We can’t wait to come back next year!